Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If You've Been...

...a regular reader of my blog for the past three or four years, you'll know that I have a thing for CBC and their left-wing bias, but I've been thinking lately that I should clarify that issue.

Even if CBC were to clean up their act and offer points of view that reflect the entire spectrum of opinion and ideology in Canada, I would still object to public funding of it, on the grounds that tax payers should not be funding broadcasters - period.

It gives them an unfair advantage over their competitors, who also pay taxes, for one thing. For another, why should tax payers of whatever stripe pay for political messaging that runs against what they believe in or supports a political party or cause that they don't support?

And no broadcaster can be completely bias free. That's the beauty of the free market, and that's why tax payers should not be funding a broadcaster. Let CBC sink or swim on the basis of how many people are attracted to their particular spin. If there are not enough Canadians whose political persuasion jives with that shown on/in CBC broadcasts, advertisers will head somewhere else and the Corpse will die a natural death.

Tax payers should not be supporting dinosaurs or political spin machines. Individuals can support whomever they choose, based on their own biases and preferences. Let those individuals who like the CBC pay for the CBC and leave the rest of us alone.

I'll support whatever broadcaster I so choose, or none, as the case may be. Personally, I prefer to follow new media, which itself has some risks to democracy, but my choice should not be made for me by bureaucrats and Ministries in Ottawa.

I'm willing to endure incessant advertising, to get the good stuff. But I should not be forced to pay for someone else's preference to not endure advertising. After all, if it wasn't for advertising, when would one be able to get up and go pee?

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

No taxation without micturition!

March 14, 2012 9:44 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

It's a serious issue, don't you think?

March 15, 2012 2:30 pm  

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