Monday, February 27, 2012

The Oscars? Meh.

I normally don't give a shit about the Oscars. It's normally nothing more but an opportunity for the glitterati to pat themselves on the back and prove their worth by working some left-wing slur into their speeches. But this is nice. Christopher Plummer is a fine actor.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Plummer is indeed a fine actor and there's absolutely no scandal of any kind against his name. The man has lived a dignified live. (And a Canuck! I didn't know that.)

February 28, 2012 7:46 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

This is one of the amusing things about Canucks. It doesn't matter how long a Canuck has been out of the country, we won't let him forget he's Canadian, even if he's become a naturalized citizen in his adopted country.

Plummer is an actor of the old school though. As the article says, he returns to Canada to act on stage at the Stratford Festival. A lot of Shakespearian stuff there. None of this new-fangled PC nonsense like the movie for which he won the Oscar. I'm not much of a movie goer. Hollywood has become so entwined with PC nonsense, they've forgotten how to make good movies, and normally the ones I do like never win Oscars, whereas the Oscar winners are so-so movies, not worth the price of admission. /old fart speak

February 28, 2012 9:09 pm  

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