Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh, Those Brits!

British MP charged after bar fight

A little piece of family lore is what you're going to get now.

Apparently several generations back (on my mother's side of the family) I had an ancestor who was murdered on the way home from the pub late at night. As the story goes, while he was in the pub imbibing liquids, he got to bragging about his wealth and how he could lick anybody that came along. Either his braggadocio ticked someone off or gave them the idea that he might be carrying a lot of quid in his pocket. In any case, that was his last night on this earth.

There's a lesson here, I think: Don't drink and brag. Or, if you must drink, make it tea and have your cuppa at 4:00 PM, not 4:00 AM.

PS: Apparently a Canuck just narrowly missed the opportunity to participate in the brawl.

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