Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good News

Tories plan crack down on 'bogus' refugee claims
"The Balanced Refugee Reform Act set to take effect in June doesn't go far enough, according to the Conservatives, who introduced previously rejected legislation Thursday, aimed at cracking down even further on bogus asylum claims.

The controversial measures were in large part severed from the earlier bill so that it would pass, given the Conservative government's minority status in the last Parliament, and the move to reintroduce them now that they have their coveted majority, has the Opposition fuming."
It's always a good day when the Tories have the opposition fuming. But what does the Bill do?
"Bill C-31 aims to process claims from countries deemed ``safe'' more quickly so that illegitimate refugees are removed within a shorter period of time.

On average, Kenney said it takes four-and-a-half years from the initial claim to remove a failed refugee claimant from the country.

It's expected the move will assist in dealing with a huge spike in claims by Hungary's predominantly Roma population. Last year, the number of claims from Hungary nearly doubled to 4,409. Most applicants, however, withdraw or abandoned their claims within 11 months.

The legislation also would block claimants from so called ``safe'' countries from appealing a negative decision and it would eliminate a committee of experts which was to advise the government on which countries to place on that list.

``Canada's asylum system is broken,'' Kenney said, after introducing Bill C-31 in the House of Commons on Thursday. ``Requirements are needed to ensure the quicker removal of bogus claimants.''

The omnibus bill also lumps in legislation that would grant legal authority to collect biometric data from people entering Canada on a visitor visa, work permit or study visa starting next year.

According to the legislation, law enforcement would be able to use the data in criminal investigations.

``We have seen many cases of people, criminals - foreign criminals - arrested, convicted, and deported who came back to Canada using fake papers,'' Kenney said, adding the use of biometrics would prevent failed refugee claimants from trying to return to the country.

The bill also rolls in measures contained in Bill C-4, the Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act, introduced in June."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what the opposition is fuming about.

The NDP, especially:

NDP fumes as majority Tories reintroduce sweeping reforms to immigration system

And other than the fuming in the comments, CBC's rendition is remarkably civil.

Based on information in these two articles, I would say, Bravo!! Kenney and the Tories. Too bad, so sad, leftards.

Oh, and they've noticed down under too.

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