Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Keep Up The Pressure...

...folks. Some day it will happen:

Tories petition to scrap CBC

Note to self: Must send a message to Brian Jean, CCing to Stephen Harper, telling them I wholeheartedly agree.

UPDATE: Message sent. Here's what I said:
"I want to congratulate Brian Jean for his efforts towards privatizing the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and let the rest of those receiving this message know that I wholeheartedly agree with the idea that a publicly funded broadcaster is not needed. A state funded broadcaster has no place in a democratic country, especially given that there is so much alternative media available. CBC has an unfair advantage over its competitors. Its bias is outrageous and there seems to be no way for me to protest my dislike for the organization. A publicly funded institution provides no mechanism for citizens to register their approval or disapproval of what it offers, short of sending letters and at the ballot box, hence, they are not accountable to those who pay the piper. A publicly funded broadcaster does not depend on advertisers, who in turn depend on people like me watching/listening to its broadcasts. As a Canadian citizen, I feel the use of my tax dollars toward supporting this agency is anathema to freedom and citizen sovereignty. A publicly funded broadcaster belongs in some petty third-world dictatorship, not in a proud and free country like Canada. Please continue the effort until the task is accomplished."
It was sent to Jean and CC'd to the PM, the Minister responsible for the CBC, James Moore, and my own MP (who happens to be the speaker of the house, Andrew Sheer).

If you want to do the same to your own select group of MPs you can find email addresses here.

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