Monday, January 23, 2012

Just Because I'm Feeling Mischievious...

...Male sex drive to blame for world wars: scientists
"The "male warrior" instinct means that men are programed to be aggressive towards any-one they view as an outsider, a study says.

In evolutionary terms, an instinct for violence against others helped early men improve their status and gain more access to mates, but in modern terms this can trans-late into large-scale wars.

In contrast, women are naturally equipped with a "tend and befriend" attitude that means they seek to resolve conflicts peacefully in order to protect their children, re-searchers said."
Okay. I'm ducking behind my computer. Go ahead, fellas. Prove them right. ;-P

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

The "study" the article referenced didn't name the author. However, I think he's the same guy who won Olympic Gold in the Jumping-to-Conclusions field event.

The only things scientifically proven about the male sex drive are 1. sex; 2. pregnancies; 3. instances of STDs. The rest is balderdash, clap-trap, pseudo-science.

(BTW, Gen. Douglas MacArthur was once asked and he replied, "Wars are caused by undefended wealth." Let's chew on the manifold implications of that aphorism for a while!)

January 23, 2012 2:22 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

I thought you might have something to say about that. When I read it, my only thought was "Yawn. Tell us something we don't know." This meme has been out there forever and a day. So what!

January 23, 2012 3:23 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Oh, and another thing. Back in the stone age when all humans were hunters and gatherers, it is true that there was a division of labour along sex lines. Men were the hunters and warriors. The women stayed home and did women's work - cooking and preserving food, making clothes, gardening, gathering food from the soil and the bush (tubers, berries, etc.), so yes, the men were the folks that went to war to protect territory and maintain access to food and water and other necessities.

But also yes, that bit about this all being due to the male sex drive is a bit over board if you ask me. There's probably many reasons for why the division of labour was what it was, and it probably had more to do with physical characteristics such as females could feed their babies with breast milk and men couldn't but on the other hand they were stronger and better suited to running and hurling spears (especially when they weren't eight months pregnant).

January 23, 2012 9:38 pm  
Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

Maybe males are to blame for wars, but who tells them to start one? Guess...

January 24, 2012 1:54 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Why, I wouldn't know. Peer pressure, perhaps?

January 24, 2012 2:11 pm  

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