Monday, January 23, 2012

Great Moments In ...

... Oh....

Plight of the Polar Bear
"It was August 12, about one month before the sea ice would reach its annual minimum extent after the summer melt, but a vast expanse of open ocean already separated Wrangel Island from the pack ice. Historically, sea ice remained near Wrangel for most of the year.

But climate warming has recently caused the ice to shrink dramatically, and now it’s absent in prime polar bear habitat throughout the Chukchi Sea for several months from mid-summer through late fall. Polar bears need sea ice for all essential aspects of their lives; so why was this bear swimming here?"
"If humans continue to burn fossil fuels and pump ever- increasing amounts of heat-trapping gases into the air, arctic temperatures will inevitably continue to rise, and sea ice will surely continue to shrivel. Will any polar bears survive anywhere in the wild by the end of this century if we simply carry on with business-as-usual?"

N.W.T. ups price paid for polar bear pelts to $1,750 as demand for the fur rises [Ed. Emphasis throughout mine.]
"Just as Ottawa is drawing up polar bear management plans and mulling the animal’s promotion to National Symbol, the Northwest Territories is now paying an extra $1,350 for polar bear hides.

Hunters in the Northwest Territories used to receive $400 when they submitted polar bear pelts to Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs, a government-run fur marketer For this season, authorities have upped the figure to $1750."
"“Hide values have been quite high the last two years; largely reflecting international demand from emerging economies,” said Andrew E. Derocher, a biologist with the University of Alberta.
"Amid the threat of melting sea ice, Mr. Derocher said researchers rarely take issue with polar bear hunting. “I don’t know a polar bear scientist that hasn’t support subsistence harvests of polar bears — or even sport hunting of polar bears,” he said."

As Russia and China produce more billionaires, offices and homes bedecked in Arctic fur have become a sought-after status symbol. Threats to polar bear populations posed by melting sea ice have only sweetened the deal."
"Every year, about 450 polar bears are killed and skinned in Canada — largely by Inuit hunters in Nunavut."
"Amid the threat of melting sea ice, Mr. Derocher said researchers rarely take issue with polar bear hunting. “I don’t know a polar bear scientist that hasn’t support subsistence harvests of polar bears — or even sport hunting of polar bears,” he said.

Ironically, the spike in world demand comes just as domestic desire for polar bear pelts is evaporating. Mr. Derocher is also curator of mammology at the University of Alberta, and he said the program has received an influx donated polar bear pelts in recent months.

“Canadians seem to be saying ‘I don’t want my great uncle’s polar bear hide anymore’ … it’s become politically incorrect to have this threatened species on your wall,” he said."
Comments are worth a read, too. What a scam!!

Related: Record fox fur prices prompt N.W.T trapping hopes

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Yeah, and my sister has a beautiful sealskin coat, which she won't wear anymore, since she saw anti-fur propaganda about seal harvesting. I politely hold my tongue but I think she ought to wear it & to hell with the PETA-type eco-loons.

Of course, it's double-think time when it's Indians doing the killing, as opposed to evil white hunters. These anti-fur people make me sick. They eat meat; wear leather. Hypocrites and ignoramuses!

January 23, 2012 12:42 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

PETA=People Eating Tasty Animals

In a cold climate, there ain't nothing better than an animal skin to have wrapped around you. Cave men used to wear 'em. Why shouldn't we?

January 23, 2012 1:03 pm  

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