Thursday, November 10, 2011

That's It!!!

The Liberals have discovered a new scare phrase to describe the Conservative Party. Gone is the "hidden agenda". From here on in, it will be the "stealth agenda"!! Oooooooo, just as scary!!

Liberals launch sweeping revival plan
"The federal Liberal party has officially kicked off a sweeping overhaul of its own house — bluntly declaring that while it’s down, it’s not yet out.

In a document called “Roadmap to Renewal,” the Liberals have embarked on an ambitious effort to change everything from the structure to the culture of the battered political brand."
"There is also a detailed, unvarnished assessment of how the Liberals view their adversaries, with lengthy looks at what it calls the Conservatives’ “stealth agenda” to rebrand Canada and the New Democrats’ efforts to steal the centre from the Liberals."
Here's their proposed renewal plan. [You'll note, at least at the time of my writing this, the link to the French version, doesn't work. But then again, it's only Conservative Party appointments that have to be bi-lingual. But given this statement from the renewal plan: "Our goal is to build a more thoroughly bilingual and multicultural political organization....", I'd say that's rather funny.)

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