Okay. The Curious Angus Reid "CBC" Survey
First, a quick bit of background about why I got to fill out this survey. Four or five years ago I signed up with Angus Reid to get surveys delivered to my inbox. I don't remember where, but I suspect there was a link on some ad on someone's blog. So, about once or twice a month, sometimes more often, I get a notification via email of a survey that I can complete, if I wish. There's a small amount of cash earned each time a participant fills out a survey. They are often about political topics, but just as often they are about consumer products, most of which I have neither heard of nor tried nor purchased, so I'm not much help to them.
But to get back to the subject at hand, this survey was all about the CBC. The questions left me scratching my head, wondering who had commissioned it. Who would benefit by doing this? I thought there could be two groups behind it: those who want CBC funding increased, which could include CBC itself, Friends of Canadian Broadcasting (a colossal misnomer, if there ever was one. They are Friends of the one and only publicly funded broadcaster, the CBC, and no other. In fact, I suspect the Friends, above all other possible suspects), or one of the left leaning political parties that benefit from their official taxpayer funded propaganda machine.
On the other hand, it could just as easily be SUN TV, or the Harper government, a particular caucus member or Ministry. The questions were, for the most part, carefully worded so as not reveal a specific bias.
I wrote the questions down (although I can't guarantee my rendition is completely faithful to the original). So here goes. Here are the questions and my reaction to them (although not necessarily the answer I gave on the survey form, since it didn't allow detailed written responses. They are in parentheses and in red - a most appropriate choice of colour no matter which way you look at it. ;)). You read them and, whether you agree with my responses or not, tell me who you suspect commissioned the study, or argue in CBC's favour, whatever moves your spirit.
(The questions were not numbered, but I intend to do that here.)
1. Do you feel that the Canadian television production industry is important to the Canadian economy and jobs?
(Hell no! It's important to starving actors entitled to their entitlements, but that's about it.)
2. Is Canadian programming important for Canadian identity?
(No. Quit with this eternal search for "identity", will you? It's embarrassing and besides, what purpose does it serve? That's the more important question. I'd far rather see more emphasis on our history, from which our identity is derived. Besides that, has anyone ever defined what the CBC means by Canadian "identity"?)
3. In your opinion, who is best suited to provide Canadian programming on television? ___CBC ___Private broadcasters ___Both __Neither __Don't know
(I don't remember which one I chose, but I suspect it was private broadcasters, and they could get grants from the pool of money we no longer give to the CBC, or something like that.)
4. In a typical week, do you watch CBC Television or tune into CBC radio?
__CBC TV only __CBC radio/TV __CBC radio only _X_Neither __Don't know
(Well, since my television is in storage and my cable subscription cancelled, it's definitely not TV, but I rarely listen to CBC radio, either. If and when I do listen to radio, it's Canadian talk-radio shows like Charles Adler or Roy Green and occasionally John Gormley.)
5. Do you feel that the CBC plays an important role in Canadian society? (Not sure about the wording at the end. I didn't write it all down.)
__ Very important __Somewhat important __ Not very important _X_Not at all
__ Don't know
(Ya, I know. I think you could have guessed what I chose.)
6. Do you feel that the CBC is important in protecting Canadian identity or culture?
__Very important __Somewhat important __Not very important _X_Not at all important __Don't know
7. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements (Ed: the possible answers are the same as for #6)
_____________The CBC is one of the things that helps distinguish Canada from the US.
(Here, I just about blew my top. I have such a deep disgust with this idea that the only way we can be Canadian is to be "Not American". That's bull crap and I hate it that my tax dollars go toward propping up and promoting such clap-trap. But the agency which designed the survey assumes we all agree with the need to "distinguish Canada from the US" in order to be uniquely Canadian. Unfortunately, none of the questions allowed the participants to make any statement about the nature or inadequacy of the questions, although, like all Angus Reid surveys, there was an opportunity for feedback at the end of the survey, an opportunity of which, of course, I took advantage.)
____________ As Canada's economic ties with the United States increase, it is becoming more important to strengthen Canadian culture and identity.
(Need I tell you what my response to that one was? It's just too bad "bullshit" wasn't one of the options.)
____________To survive and prosper, Canada needs the CBC.
(That right there makes me think either the Friends or CBC itself commissioned the survey. What a crock!)
____________The CBC provides value for the taxpayer's money. (More crock!)
____________I would like to see CBC strengthened in my part (region) of Canada
(No need. There are other broadcasters and individual Canadians can talk to each other quite handily with new media. So, get lost dinosaurs. The only exception would be programs about history.)
____________We should build a new CBC capable of providing high quality Canadian programming with strong regional content throughout Canada.
(No. Give that job to the private sector.)
___Excellent ___Very good ___Good ___Poor ___Fair_X__Very poor ___ No opinion
9. As part of its mandate, the CBC is required to provide television and radio content that reflects Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, and to serve the special needs of Canada's diverse regions. Overall, how would you rate the performance of the CBC in fulfilling this mandate.
___Excellent ___Very good ___Good ___Poor ___Fair_X_Very poor ___ No opinion (Who cares?)
10. How much confidence or trust do you personally have in CBC to protect Canadian culture and identity on television? (On a scale of 1 - 7 where 1 is "very low trust and confidence") _1_ (but I don't agree with the premise, so the question is irrelevant.)
___increase funding from current levels
___maintain funding at current levels
_X_decrease funding from current levels
___don't know
(This question makes me wonder if the Feds commissioned this survey.)
12. Who is most responsible for ensuring Canadian programming and content on television and radio is protected?
__ broadcasters
__ ??? (I didn't write this one down, and I can't remember what it was, but if it was the viewing public, I'd have given it my X. They are the market and if Canadian programming is what they want, someone will provide it. If it's quality Canadian programming, well anyone can do that as long as they have a bead on what Canadians want, which CBC does not. Even Americans can fill that need, if the audience is large enough, and if it isn't, well tough. We'll have to go without. That's not the end of the world.)
__ government
13. What do you think Canada's level of public broadcaster funding is relative to the level at which other Western countries fund their public broadcasters? Is it:
__ Lower __ About the same __ Higher __ Don't know
(After making a selection and submitting it by clicking on the button provided, the following comes up):
"Canada ranks 16th out of 18 major Western democracies in per capita annual funding of its public broadcaster in a recent survey, at $33 per citizen, compared to an average of $80 per citizen."(Reading that makes me suspect the Friends of Canadian Broadcasting or maybe even the Minister himself, James Moore, who I think wants to save the CBC. In any case, it's indoctrination disguised as a survey, which is fairly common in surveys done with a political end in mind.)
14. To what extent do you agree with each of the following:
(For each statement, five answer options are provided ranging from "Strongly agree" to "Strongly disagree".)
__Canada's level of public broadcaster funding is insufficient to maintain a unique and vibrant Canadian identity and culture.
__ $33 per citizen is an appropriate level of funding.
(I presume the 'per citizen' notion uses Stats Canada population figures, which would mean that children, including new-born babies, stay at home moms, people on fixed incomes, people who reside in some kind of institution where they are completely dependent on caregivers, and so on, are included. If so, the fact is, only a much smaller percentage of the taxpaying public actually foots this bill. A family of four, including two preschoolers and a stay at home mom would have to pay $132.00. That money is coming out of the sole breadwinner's pocket. And who pays for the mentally or completely disabled older adult living in an institution dependent on caregivers? Must be the same breadwinner who doesn't even know the institutionalized Canuck even exists.)
__Canada's level of public broadcaster funding is indicative of the federal government's treatment of the cultural sector over all.
(Hmmm. Maybe the NDP commissioned this study.)
" When he was leader of the Opposition, Stephen Harper recommended radical changes to CBC TV and Radio Two: 'When you take a look at things like main English language television and probably to a lesser degree Radio Two, you could look there at putting those on a commercial basis.'"15. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? (Strongly agree to Strongly disagree)
__The Harper Government has a hidden agenda that favours private corporate broadcasters
(Why would it be the infamous "hidden agenda" when legions of Canadian voters and taxpayers want the damned thing privatized? Obviously, this is pandering to those among us who believe in the Nanny state.)
__The Harper government is underfunding the CBC so that it can turn it into a private, commercial broadcasting.
(Isn't this really a recast of the same sentiment expressed in the statement above it? So, really, there are only two choices here - one of these or the option that follows.)
__Privatizing and commercializing the CBC is the right thing to do.
(Notice they put the words "commercial" and "commercializing" in these statements, too, as if to influence the dyed in the wool lefties.
16. Before the last election, the House of Commons Heritage Committee (James Moore is Minister of Heritage, by the way) recommended an increase in annual funding of the CBC from $33 per citizen to $40 per citizen. Which of the following most closely reflects your views?
__ This recommendation should be adopted.
X_ This recommendation should be rejected as too high.
__ This recommendation should be rejected as to low.
17. Other major Canadian broadcasters have recently announced cuts to local broadcasting that, along with cuts announced at the CBC will significantly reduce local and regional coverage on television and radio. How concerned are you about the impact of cuts on Canadian culture?
__ Very concerned __ somewhat concerned _X_not concerned at all.
(Television is a dieing industry. You'll know this is true when private broadcasters have to cut their budgets. The CBC, of course, and the Friends, think they should be exempt and are not prepared to face reality - or, in CBC's case, the taxpayer.)
18. Currently, the Federal government does not allow foreign companies to control Canadian telephone, cable and media companies. If foreign companies gained permission and acquired control of Canadian broadcasting and cable companies, would you expect Canadian content on radio and TV to:
__ increase __ decrease __ remain the same __ don't know
(I'm tempted to say, don't know and don't care, but in actuality, the existence of Canadian content will be determined by the size of the audience that demands it and the quality of what is provided. If the Canadian audience is too small, or if the offerings are mediocre, well, too bad, so sad, we'll just have to do without. That's an elementary principle of doing business. If you don't have a large enough market, you go belly up. If all you offer is crap, you go belly up. CBC is, of course, shielded from this reality, while our tax dollars go to paying for crap that no one watches.)
(Sorry for the mangled sentence. I obviously missed a word or two, but I think the statement was getting at the point that broadcasting companies should not be restricted by the Canadian content rule, if they can make a business case for expansion into foreign markets or allow foreign ownership in order to avoid bankruptcy or increase profits.)
(Huh? Security reasons??)
20. Which statement comes closer to your own views:
__ CBC provides good coverage of news and cultural events in my city or region.
__ CBC does not provide good coverage of news and cultural events in my city or region.
(My answer to that is: Who cares? You have competition that fills the gap, and there's normally not much to cover, anyway, other than accidents and crime. Whoopie ding!)
21. In Canada, the Prime Minister appoints the Board of Directors of the CBC. Do you feel this is the best way to manage the CBC or should a non-political process appoint the CBC Board?
__ Appointed non-politically
__ Appointed by the Prime Minister
(I would agree with the non-political route, but exactly how, is a good question. An alternative and somewhat political option is to let the provincial premiers or some such provincial authority do the honour, or let the citizenry elect candidates for the CBC board during provincial elections. All of this would be moot, if I really got my way. CBC should be privatized, then the question of whether there is a board and how its members are to be selected can be handled by the shareholders.)
22. Which political party do you most trust to protect the CBC:
__Conservative __ Liberal _X_ NDP
(Being nanny-staters as well as the only viable left leaning opposition party right now, the NDP are far more likely than the Conservatives to want to rescue the CBC from the forces of the market. However, if the Liberals had a pulse, they too would be clamoring to save their official party propaganda wing.)
23. In recent years, CBC funding has exceeded a billion dollars per year. Do you think taxpayers receive good value or bad value from the CBC: __Good _X_Bad ___Unsure.
(Repetitive question, but the answer is a no brainer.)
24. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? "I would like a CBC radio station in my community to cover local affairs."
(Again with the repetition, but, like I said above, television is a dieing industry and I can get info on what is going on locally with or without it, and there's only so much appetite for accidents and crime. If it's a really big story it will hit the national broadcasts anyway.)
Options for answering ranged from "Strongly agree" to "Not sure". I obviously strongly disagree.
25. How much do you agree and disagree with the following statements:
(Same "Strongly agree" to "Strongly disagree".)
__CBC opens countrywide conversations and helps us hear one another.
__CBC makes sure that our national discourse in civil
(If that's the case, why does the CBC approve so many vitriolic hate-filled comments on their website articles? There's nothing civil about most of it.)
__ CBC News should cover local, regional, national and international affairs.
(Sure. On their own dime.)
__ CBC reports on important political and social issues other broadcasters don't cover.
(Oh really? What have you done lately about the IPCC or the ten year cooling trend, etc., etc. And that's just one of the issues it persists in ignoring.)
26. Which of the following statements best describes you?
__ When I watch CBC TV or listen to CBC, it's to be entertained.
__ When I watch CBC TV or listen to CBC, it's to be enlightened.
(Well, I do like to learn something when I watch TV, or partake of any other medium, such as books, but I find CBC's offering neither enlightening nor entertaining. This question also assumes the participant actually watches or listens to the CBC. There should have been a third option or it should have read: "When I watch TV or listen to radio....")
27. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
"The thing I like best about CBC is its cultural and classical programming."
(It may, in fact, be the best thing about CBC, but it's hardly enough to justify taxing me for it. I can find a lot of good stuff on the net, too.)
28. Which of the following statements do you agree with more?
_X_ It's time for the government to get out of the broadcasting business. A fifteen percent cut is a good first step.
__ The government wants to defund the CBC. This threatens CBC's programming. Today, the CBC only receives $1.1 billion per year, less than it received 10 years ago after inflation. This year, the government will spend $30 (? Obviously I didn't write this down correctly.) on police, prisons, and the military. Investing in the CBC is an investment in Canada's identity. Let's maintain that investment.
(What's the implication here? Police, prisons and the military aren't important enough to get public monies, but the CBC is?)
29. When it comes to federal politics, do you normally think of yourself as a _X_ Conservative __Liberal __ New Democrat __ Bloc __ Green __ none of these
(This is a strange thing to ask on a survey about the CBC. What do they want to do with this information? Eliminate all Conservatives or whatever? Does this suggest that the CBC itself, or the Friends, or one of the political parties are paying for this survey? I just don't see why this is relevant. Or is it Quebecor that's behind this survey? We'll have to watch Sun TV and see if this survey becomes an item on the news.)
32. In politics, some people talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself? (right)
(Not voting or spoil ballot. But who wants to know this and why?
(This is yet again a very strange question. Are they recruiting for a mass campaign? My answer: None of your business, but I would like to help convince the powers that be to privatize the Corpse.)
37: Are there any comments you’d like to make about the TOPIC of this survey?
My answer:
"The one and only question that needs to be asked about the CBC is whether a public broadcaster is relevant or needed in 2011. I, personally, don't think it is. A private broadcaster can do just as much or more and is not restricted to arbitrary mandates such as protecting Canadian identity. We're better than that. Why do we need to fund an organization whose very existence assumes we are vulnerable and inferior and therefore need to be protected."
38. Are there any comments you’d like to make about the EXPERIENCE you had taking this survey?
My Answer:
"I was frustrated at the number of times that the questions assumed the person answering agreed with the very existence of a public broadcaster. This is 2011, not 1935. It is time to put the very idea of a public broadcaster into the dustbin of history's stale and no longer relevant ideas. Will someone commission a survey that gets into that question? Perhaps Canada can be a leader in that area, by challenging the status quo and breaking new ground. That, after all, is how we assert our identity and over come our inferiority complex which the CBC thrives upon."
Labels: Canuckistanis, CBC, lamestream media, Mainstream Media, media bias
Okay, I'm going to answer my own question. Those last couple of questions seemed very weird to me. At first I had thought they had just tacked them on because some other agency or Angus Reid itself wanted to know, but I'll bet my bottom dollar they are looking to recruit tweeters and Facebookers to help with a campaign to save the CBC.
If you feel as I (and legions of other Canadians) do, and you are a tweeter or are on Facebook, DON'T BE FOOLED!!
The tone of the questions, esp. the way they're structured to force implied support at some level, suggests the CBC or "friends" of the CBC, is paying for this push poll.
Let's hope the abolition of the CWB monopoly is the "tune-up game" for the privatization of the CBC. Privatize the monster and let the free market hold it's head under water for the requisite time. "Free Enterprise" works, emphasis on Free!
"Privatize the monster and let the free market hold it's head under water for the requisite time."
Best possible outcome is for Fox News to buy whatever assets CBC has and begin broadcasting in Canada. Watching the lefties squirm would be such a delight.
So many of them haughtily declare how they hate Fox News in the same breath as they say they've never watched it.
That was headache-inducing.
But useful, thank you.
Still, it is not news that CBC is in the self-interest marketing business.
The tide is turning, as skepticism grows toward CBC and its value to our media landscape.
Enjoying the daring and informative pieces from SUN TV and Ezra Levant in particular.
Why are we so stupid as to sit idly by funding Battle of the Blades?
You know, my MP is Andrew Scheer, Parliamentary Speaker, and I had sent an email to him expressing my support for getting rid of Section 13 of the Human Rights Code. This is what I said:
"I recently read that MP Brian Storseth intends to introduce a bill that will amend Canada's Human Rights Act and, effectively, restore freedom of speech in Canada. As a member of your constituency (resident of Indian Head), I strongly urge you and the rest of the Conservative Party to support this bill so that I can once again be proud of my country.."
This morning I got a reply via email in which he essentially says due to his role as speaker, he cannot take positions on issues. Makes me feel sort of disenfranchised.
But, whoever your MP is, feel free to provide him with a link to this entry (click on the time at the very bottom.)
I think we need to make the politicians aware that this is going on, but I'm not 100% convinced that it wasn't the Harper government that is behind this. If a majority of people respond strongly negative to many of the questions, then they will know they have the support of the electorate. It seems to me they have been too chicken shit to go after the CBC with anything approaching the draconian measure I would like to see, simply because they don't want to be seen as interfering in a free press. But if enough disgruntled Canucks write to their MPs and the PM himself, maybe that will change. Canadians are too bloody complacent. Maybe that's because our population density is so low that it's hard for us to get together.
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