Thursday, November 17, 2011

Note To Self...

I must get this book and read it:

Civilization: The West and the Rest

Just the fact that it makes leftards squirm, is enough to ensure sales will be brisk.
"The Harvard historian’s book has become a bitter bone of contention in his native Britain. Critics, quite prepared to single out the West for its particular crimes—racism, colonialism and imperialism—nonetheless object, reasonably enough, to a catchy subtitle that lumps everybody else into “the rest,” making improbable bedfellows out of, say, the Aztec empire and Ming-dynasty China. The larger problem, though, is that neither critics nor supporters seem able to distinguish between a culture’s technical and moral merits—for those on the political left, even Ferguson’s attempt to do so is simply disguised Western triumphalism. Yet the plain facts of Western hegemony are hard to argue." [Emphasis mine.]

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