Wednesday, November 23, 2011


CBC must hand over files to information watchdog

The CBC does report on itself after all. But then again, their omission of a story this large would be an even bigger story. They must recognize the bind they are in and are running scared.

NDP accuses Tony Clement of doctoring Hansard

How many Canadians even know what Hansard is? And how could a MP possibly "doctor" it, short of making threats to the folks who write the stuff up. Nice try, Dippers, but you'll have to do better next time.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Well, I know what Hansard is and I'm just a typical bitter, clinging Yank who don't know nuthin'. I'll raise your many Canajuns know what the Congressional Record is? You name the odds! Actually, the name's a giveway. :-)

Kind of nice, eh, that we Anglos have real Parliaments, however imperfect, BUT elected by and answerable to the people, with lawfully prescribed powers and full public records. (Hell, we invented 'em!) As opposed to most of the rest of the world's rubber stamp legislatures that dutifully put a veneer of democracy on some dictatorship's or oligarchy's private decisions...

November 24, 2011 2:25 am  
Blogger Louise said... many Canajuns know what the Congressional Record is?

Well, one that I know of.;-)

Both are normally boring reads. Democracy's gift to insomniacs.

November 24, 2011 7:05 am  

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