Tories take Attawapiskat finances out of native hands
This is what happens in far too many cases where a *cough* *cough* First Nation takes control of the finances and administration of their own affairs.
Well done, Harper and company. To hell with the bleeding hearts sipping their lattes in downtown Toronto.
Nor should this bit be a surprise (from the article):
"Charlie Angus, the NDP MP whose riding encompasses the community, paid a visit to Attawapiskat on Tuesday. The Conservative solution, Mr. Angus said, “is to blame the community.”Snake. The NDP has been in bed with corrupt native leaders for years and years in Saskatchewan, and this is exactly the language they have used. Remember Dwain Lingenfelter's election campaign promise about sharing resource revenue with First Nations? Nobody would see any benefit from such a policy except for a handful of corrupt Chief's and councils who would be able to go to Hawaii more often, or buy a fancy new pick-up truck more frequently, reward his clan, etc., etc., with various monetary perqs.
When disasters occur in parts of Canada that are not on aboriginal territory, the government has responded, he said in the Commons. “Why are the people of Attawapiskat treated so differently. Why is it that when it’s a first-nation community in distress, this government’s response is contempt?”"
Labels: accountability, corruption, First Nations, political correctness, raaaacism
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