The Great Climbdown...
Climate change scare: Hot hype 'exposed'
CO2 sensitivity possibly less than most extreme projections
Global warming much less serious than thought - new science
Global warming: Uncertain science
Global warming rate less than feared
CO2 climate sensitivity 'overestimated'
Global warming may not be as severe as predicted
Climate change fears 'have been exaggerated' and doomsday predictions are overestimates, say scientists
Climate Change Not so Extreme, Based on New Model
(You see? Models can be made to show whatever you want - er - need - to save your sorry asses).
Paging Al Gore.
Paging David Suzuki.
Labels: AGW scam
Still no MSM acknowledgment of the outright fraud and coverups at the IPCC and CRU.
I noticed last year, after Climategate I, that the word "anthropogenic" was quietly dropped from the phrase "anthropogenic global warming".
This year, just following Climategate II, we have all kinds of articles like the ones I've posted.
I wonder what they'll give us next year? Phil Jones' head on a platter?
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