Monday, October 31, 2011

Will The Real Seven Millionth Person....

...please stand up - er - yawn, or something.

Baby  Danica May,  Philippines

Baby Nargis, Lucknow, India and six others..

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Well, it wasn't her, but at least it wasn't Igor. :-)

October 31, 2011 3:57 pm  
Blogger Indigo Red said...

I'm sure a lot of really smart folks are calculating world population because that's all their over-hyped college degrees are good for, but given the over-the-top exaggerations of the Left on, well, anything, I doubt anyone has any idea how many people really are on this planet.

Everyday, unpredictable thousands of people die unexpectedly and unpredictably which should throw the 7 trillion mark off to the unknown future at least a month or two. I know, it's all done with computer models that are a whole lot faster and smarter than me or any one I've ever met, yet those same type computer models told us in my youth that Earth would be under hundreds of feet of snow and ice by 2010, or hundreds of feet of volcanic ash and lava by 2010; in any event, the planet could not possibly support 5 trillion people that would exist in the 1990s. Even Isaac Azimov got into the act computing when the total mass of humanity would equal the total mass of Earth and that was just from the lunacy of the 1970s.

Not long ago, just five years ago, Al Gore said New York City would be under the sea in 2010 and polar bears would be extinct. Well, no beach front property on 42nd Street and polar bears are eating people because there's too many PBs for the environment to support. Just guessing, they are; not even good guesses, either.

November 01, 2011 11:42 am  
Blogger Louise said...

I believe humans may indeed become too numerous for the eco-niche that supports us, but, like all other species that become too numerous, Mother Nature takes care of things, and it ain't pretty.

I think we should leave it up to Mother Nature and hope we in the Western world are among those who survive. I would think that Western Civilization's prowess in dealing with problems puts us in an advantageous position vis a vis the so called third world.

What really makes me laugh is the depths of doom and gloom the environuts go to. I read the other day, (and blogged about it, I think) some environut saying we were all going to become extinct - all 7 billion of us.

Uh, uh. That's not how population dynamics work, sweetie. Mother Nature just gives us a good whack and cuts us down to a more manageable size. So, die-off, perhaps, but not extinction.

What's far more likely to happen is we will reach a threshold at which the number that die each year is equal to the number who are born and survive infancy, in other words, stasis.

The cause of those deaths isn't going to be pretty, either. Malnutrition, disease, war....most of it brought on by incompetent rulers.

Too bad Mom Nature couldn't cherry pick the environuts for the die-off event.

(Bad Louise, Bad!)

And besides, if CO2 is plant food, global warming should take care of most of the problems. We'll be thanking Big Oil for saving us.

November 01, 2011 12:24 pm  
Blogger Indigo Red said...

"I think we should leave it up to Mother Nature..."

I agree. I also think actively encouraging environuts to early self-departure shouldn't be out of the question.

November 01, 2011 11:34 pm  

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