Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oops. They're Getting A Bad Press

UPDATE: Mangy Mutt, you silly twit. If you think this entry is the best I've got on the CBC, you're sorely mistaken. I've got 142 of them. Funny how it's always the old, worn out leftards that come to CBC's defense, though. Good luck with that.
Occupy protesters need focus
"Organizers are ecstatic that several thousand people showed up at the Occupy protest in Vancouver. As protests go, that is not a lot of people."
"Some of the Occupy protest movement's organizers say their aim is to dismantle the current monetary system.

Yet, the protesters themselves list a smorgasbord of wrongs as reasons for their participation.

Everything from animal research to drug laws to forest practices to smart meters to greedy corporations were the subject of protest signs at the Occupy events."
"In the meantime, as Occupy organizers insist they're happy with the numbers attending their protest, there's another number that may speak more about where people are at right now: Apple says it sold more than four million of its new iPhone 4S in its first three days on the market (which coincided with the Occupy rallies).

Now, that's an example of a lot of people being occupied!"
But the CBC is focused:

Occupy protests reek of hypocrisy

""Dirty hippies" is not an insult. It's an epidemiological assessment of their week-long war against hygiene at a cramped, garbage-strewn, semen-stained camp. The crowning moment was when one hippie defecated on a police car as some sort of political statement.

Not all the Occupy Toronto protesters are dirty hippies. Some of them are professional protesters folks who go out whenever there's a chance to be counter-cultural. These are the black bloc types who came to agitate in Toronto during the G-20.

Others are union bosses, usually from government unions. That's who created this movement in the U.S. and who promotes it in Canada now.

For them, Occupy Wall Street is a scheme to shift the blame for the U.S. recession away from the White House, and onto someone else other than the Democratic Party."
"But that sour message isn't clicking in Canada. We haven't had a bank fail.

So not one has been bailed out. Our unemployment rate is 7%. Which is 2% lower than in the U.S. Our national deficit is down to $33 billion. Our credit rating is golden.

Which is why so few people bothered to show up for the Occupy protests across Canada.

By Monday morning, only 20 protesters were left downtown in Toronto's financial district. How did they even know that was a protest? There are longer line-ups at Toronto hot dog carts.

But the CBC, the state broadcaster, went into Olympics-style mega-coverage over the weekend, sending out dozens of reporters and producers to cover the protests as if it were an election. They became a PR agency. They helped organize and promote the events.

One excitable CBC host actually claimed that the protests had spread to "more than 1,000 cities" around the world with "hundreds or thousands" of protesters in each. That's just false; there were protests in a few dozen cities, but in most the number was under 100."
"Every year well over 10,000 people march on Parliament Hill against abortion. They don't threaten revolution or anarchy. They don't crap on police cars.

But because they are pro-life, the CBC downplays them.

They grudgingly report their rally.

And they do their best to hunt for the nuttiest person in the crowd, and pretend that they speak for the whole mass."
And this one is delish:
"By Monday, the media had converged at King and Bay, where protesters had promised a “large-impact demonstration” when the stock market opened. Alas, nothing happened. “There are only around three people here,” said a CBC reporter mournfully."

Lots of good stuff at Sun TV, too.

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