Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Thing The Lawyers Won't Tell You

We've been treated to bleeding heart liberal speak from some criminal defense lawyers crying about the Omnibus Crime Bill introduced to the House of Commons by the Harper government. But here's something not so celebrated by said lawyers:

Canadian Terror Victims Laud Harper Government for Introducing Victims Legislation
"The Canadian Coalition Against Terror (C-CAT), representing terror victims across Canada, commends the government of Canada for introducing The Safe Streets and Communities Act. The omnibus legislation will include the provisions of the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act, which was passed by the Senate as S-7 in September 2010. This bill will allow Canadian terror victims to launch lawsuits against states, organizations and individuals that have sponsored terrorism."
"The bill will take aim at the financial sponsors of terror who are rarely prosecuted successfully in criminal proceedings. By harnessing the additional possibility of civil lawsuits, the proposed legislation will open a vital avenue in interdicting and defeating terrorist funding. For unlike suicide bombers, the financial enablers of terrorism seek neither exposure nor martyrdom. They fear transparency and exposure, and are rendered vulnerable to both through civil suits. Civil action can hold them accountable by allowing seizure of their assets; exposing them to public scrutiny and preventing them from accessing Canada’s financial system. This bill will provide both accountability and deterrence – in a court of law."
Perhaps if they specialized in bringing forth civil suits, rather than keeping murderous scum on the streets, they'd be applauding the Omnibus bill.

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