Friday, October 14, 2011

Multiculturalism Takes Two On The Chin

The second one, by an immigrant himself and a Muslim, Salim Mansur.

Feds want immigrants to provide upfront evidence of fluency in English or French

It's time to undo multiculturalism mistake
"Forty years ago, in October 1971, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced multiculturalism as an official policy for Canada.

Seventeen years later, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and the Progressive Conservatives turned Trudeau’s policy into the Multiculturalism Act of 1988.

In other words, it was not merely Trudeau but Canada’s political elite, supported by the intellectual and media elites of the country, who adopted without much questioning a policy that was, at best, dubious and deeply flawed as the law of the land.

Canada was the first of the advanced liberal democracies in the West to turn multiculturalism — an idea without philosophical substance — into official policy.

Four decades later, some of those democracies — Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands — have openly expressed regrets as their elected leaders publicly admitted the failure of official multiculturalism in securing social harmony, or advancing national interest.

In my recently published book — Delectable Lie: A liberal repudiation of multiculturalism — I discuss at some length why this policy reflected an act of bad faith on the part of Trudeau and company, and how it continues to be detrimental to the vitality of a liberal democracy.

The bad faith resided in the ridiculous proposition that all cultures are equal. This is the keystone of multiculturalism as an idea, and it is untenable."
"It takes someone with a college degree to accept silliness of this nature as higher knowledge."

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Blogger Xanthippa said...

The problem is much deeper than our internal political elites - as if that were not bad enough.

I went to Dr. Mansur's book launch in September - he spoke very eloquently and passionately - and have read the book. What he says is true - but it is missing a piece of the picture.

This piece is the external pressure of 'multiculturalism' which was paralleling the internal one. It is no less sinistrous and no less instrumental in bringing about the current situation: yet, being external (UN focused it, but it would have been there with or without the UN), it is impossible for individual Western nations to not feel its impact.

October 15, 2011 9:18 am  
Blogger Louise said...

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying in your last paragraph. Can you elaborate what you mean by "external pressure of 'multiculturalism' which was paralleling the internal one."

October 15, 2011 9:51 am  

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