Wednesday, October 19, 2011


CBC's feeble attempt to fight back against Sun TV has them looking really, really stupid.

CBC fires broadside at competitor Quebecor
"The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has launched a public-relations counter-attack in response to a campaign by Quebecor's media holdings to cut funding to the public broadcaster.

In an unusual move, the CBC posted a "Get the Facts" news release on its website that alleges the Quebecor chain has received more than $500 million in public grants and subsidies over the past three years."
$500 million over three years. Hmmmm. I know math is hard for CBC types, but that's an average of $167 million per year. And what does CBC get? Why, well over twice the $500 million every year.

Looks like they don't understand the mechanism for accountability, either:
"Quebecor has received more than half-a-billion dollars in direct and indirect subsidies and benefits from Canadian taxpayers over the past three years, yet it is not accountable to them."
In the meantime, if you want to see the CBC get off the public teat, or say bye-bye all together, this might help. Rob Anders, Conservative MP from Calgary is leading the charge.

More here

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Anonymous Anonymous said... The irony of the lefties paying Quebecor is delicious

October 19, 2011 8:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

October 19, 2011 8:31 pm  

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