An Omen?
=====Original Post Starts Here=====
Small earthquake hits near Ottawa
Parliament resumes tomorrow
There's a Conservative majority in both houses. The opposition parties are in disarray. This is gonna be fun.
Labels: Canada, Canadian politics
Really, it ought to be entertaining. The remaining Grits gasping for air; the NDP pretending to be statesmen-adults, the "progressive" MSM churning out disinformation.
MSM Q. to NDP Leader: "Are you channeling your wisdom from Saint Jack in Heaven?"
MSM Q. to PM Harper: "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
Saint Jack is in Heaven?
And yes, lefty heads are exploding over the "Islamicist" comment. I really love it when they sound so frightened and terrified of views with which they disagree. It never fails to put me in mind of a scene from The Exorcist.
"Saint Jack is in Heaven?" Well...
While there's no Biblical authority for the Catholic concept of Purgatory, it would seem an apt destination for Wee Jackie. A millenia or two for Wee Jackie to reflect, self-flagellate and purge himself of Socialism, Collectivism and thoughts of Toronto bawdy houses. ;-)
What is it with Canucks and earthquakes lately? Becomes a habit, like...
Dave in Pa.: "A millenia or two for Wee Jackie to reflect, self-flagellate and purge himself of Socialism, Collectivism and thoughts of Toronto bawdy houses. ;-)"
...and then go to Hell? Sounds like a plan!
Snoopy: Like?
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