Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Canada has best reputation in the world

Reputation in what, you might ask:
"The Reputation Institute study measures the trust, esteem, admiration and good feelings the public holds towards 50 countries, as well as perceptions of peoples' quality of life, safety and attention to the environment."
Tell that to our leftards and environuts.
"Results from 42,000 respondents worldwide ranked Sweden next, followed by Australia, Switzerland and New Zealand, the reputation management firm said.

The countries scored high for their steady democracies, high economic output per capita, focus on active lifestyles, well developed political systems and perceived neutrality to international political upheavals.

Being perceived as a safe country was the main driver of a country's reputation.

Pakistan, Iran and Iraq were ranked lowest in the 50-country study,..."
Sorry Yanks. You were just middling. Being Canucks, we notice things like that.

I wonder if it's because we have nine months of winter and have to stay inside?

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