Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's Been A Slow Day

Not much happening of the absurd variety. However, this little bit of news in interesting:

Women could take big step forward in Newfoundland election

The headline is kinda misleading, as the article is actually about the five provincial elections taking place this fall in Canuckistan, in more than just Newfoundland, although this is pretty interesting:
"The news is not who will win: There is virtually no doubt that Progressive Conservative Leader Kathy Dunderdale, who replaced Danny Williams as premier last year, will prevail on Oct. 11. The news is that for the first time in the province’s history, the Official Opposition could be the NDP under Leader Lorraine Michael, which means a woman opposition leader would face a woman premier: Was that a glass ceiling I just heard shattering?"
"The poll was conducted before the death of Jack Layton. Since then, support for the NDP has, at least temporarily, increased in other parts of the country. If trends hold, the legislature in St. John’s as well as Ottawa could see the NDP as Official Opposition for the first time."
Ding, dong. The Liberals are dead!! Except in Prince Edward Island.
"In Prince Edward Island, the question isn’t who the opposition will be, but whether there will be any: A new poll has Robert Ghiz so far ahead that his Liberal Party could take every seat."
And here in Knuckledraggerland:
"Speaking of sweeps, a poll from Praxis Analytics has Brad Wall’s conservative Saskatchewan Party at 63 per cent, nearly 40 points ahead of Dwain Lingenfelter’s New Democrats, who are at 26 per cent. Over at threehundredeight.com, Eric Grenier’s seat projections now include the possibility – but only the possibility – that the Saskatchewan Party could hold as many as 51 seats in the 58-seat legislature after the Nov. 7 election."
Yeah, Baby. This province being the birthplace of the NDP, this should send shockwaves around the leftosphere everywhere in the world. The NDP is deader than a doornail here in Tommy Douglas Land. Whoopie!! I hear tell the NDP are thinking they chose the wrong leader. Well, no, sweethearts. It ain't the leader. It's every thing you stand for and everything you've ever done. You're finished!

And in Manitoba. Well, maybe Manitoba can save socialism. But I hope not:
"Things got testy during a radio debate Monday, as the normally reserved NDP Leader Greg Selinger called Conservative Leader Hugh McFadyen’s proposals “crazy” and repeatedly cut him off, causing a frustrated Mr. McFadyen to ask: “Are you okay?”

“Are you okay? Are you okay?” Mr. Selinger shot back, further demonstrating that the art of rhetoric is not presently at its peak."
I think Canada's lefties can see the writing on the wall, and they're behaving accordingly - like cornered rats.

And down in the Centre of the Universe, where Liberalism reigns supreme, trouble is a-brewing:
"In Ontario, the big fight is over the word “foreigners.” That’s how Conservative Leader Tim Hudak described those who could benefit from a Liberal proposal to give $10,000 to employers who hire immigrant workers.

Except the Liberal proposal, once properly explained – or at least once the Liberals had figured out how much trouble they might be in and modified it – would apply only to Canadians who had been citizens for fewer than five years and who were having trouble obtaining accreditation in certain professions.

But who cares about the details? The Liberal plank has the Tories flinging out accusations of Liberal affirmative-action programs that punish the native-born, with the Liberals firing back that the Conservatives are intolerant of immigrants.

When it comes to nasty, these days, no one can beat Ontario."
They're raaaaaacist, of course. Hurling that accusation is the only thing Liberals/Dipper types have left, and guess what, folks. It no longer works. Go Hudak!!

Well, the enumerator came to my house today. I'm registered to vote. I can hardly wait for November 7th. We live in raaaaaaacist interesting times.

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