Good Grief!!
To their credit, the Montreal Gazette actually delves into an angle other than the "compromise our privacy" bit. From the Gazette: New Rules Planned for Border Cops
...although our resident leftards won't like this:
"The U.S. and Canada have been co-ordinating investigations and sharing intelligence about potential criminal and terror threats at the border for several years through two dozen Integrated Border Enforcement Teams."No. The MSM would much rather promote the notion that any cooperation with the U.S.A. is tantamount to a compromise of our sovereignty.
(This has been a flaw in leftwing thinking here in Canuckistan for decades. They seem to believe that sovereignty can only be asserted if we disagree with the U.S.A., which to me, seems to suggest a surrender of our ability to form our own policies, which from time to time may actually be in accord with those of the Americans. According to our leftards, we MUST, and I mean MUST, be at odds with the U.S., otherwise we are no longer sovereign. What balderdash!! That doesn't sound like independence/sovereignty to me. If we must be on opposite sides in every issue, then we ARE completely dependent on the U.S position. No brainer, but then these are leftards. We have to be understanding.)
Anyway, it looks like we've been cooperating with the U.S.. Oh, the horrors!!!!!
A report issued by some "think" (used lightly) tank called the Rideau Institute, which I had never heard about before, was the impetus for this massive display of MSM group think about the privacy issue. The Canadian blog, Unambiguously Ambidextrous (UA) delves into it a bit and has something to say about the Rideau Institute in a few posts.
Note that Mark at UA refers to the Rideau Institute as "actually a pacifist advocacy group, home of a horde of usual suspects" and in another post as "militantly anti-military." Stands to reason they would also be "militantly" anti-American. Those types always are.
Anywho, I did a little searching myself and found the following, from that bastion of truth, Wikipedia:
"The Rideau Institute was founded in January 2007. It is a left leaning, registered non-profit organization based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The Institute's primary activities are independent research, advocacy and consulting. It aids decision makers, opinion leaders and the public through research, analysis and commentary on public policy."Note, from the Wikipedia article, the names of the people on the Rideau Institute's Board of Directors and senior advisors. It reads like a Who's Who of the Canadian hard left: Mel Watkins, Maude Barlow, Murray Dobbin, Mel Hurtig, etc., etc.. The only saving grace is that most of these people are aging old hippies with one foot already in the grave. It doesn't take much digging to form a picture of this "Institute". They're basically a bunch of old commies who, for expediency, subscribe to the "peace at any cost" school of international affairs, so are entitled to exaggerate and lie in order achieve their aims. That so much of the MSM swallowed this report, says all you need to know about the Rideau Institute and our MSM.
And BTW, Wikipedia also states:
"Their work has been used by a diverse range of organizations such as the Canadian Auto Workers (a militant union), USC Canada, The Council of Canadians (Maude Barlow's connections), CUPE (another militant union, this one screwing the taxpayer), CEP, and public interest, citizen and labour organizations."Bloggers rule!!!
Oh. I forgot. For what it's worth, the Rideau Institute gets it's funding from the Tides Foundation. Opposing the Keystone Pipeline and oil sands in general is one of their current projects.
Lord help me. Sometimes it's so hard, sooooooo hard to believe in democracy and basic freedoms for some people. I know. I know. I'm bad.
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, America, Canada, Canuckistanis, leftards, leftards and leftards, narratives, Yanks
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