Eyes Rolling
"Claims that the deep oceans absorb the missing heat are an admission that temperatures have stalled.
A study from the Boulder, Colo.-based National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) claims to have found all that missing heat from global warming’s “lost decade:” It’s lurking in Davy Jones’s locker.
According to official science, global temperatures were meant to rise this century in line with increasing levels of man-made carbon dioxide, but didn’t. Now the puzzle has allegedly been solved: the heat is more than 300 metres below the world’s oceans, where it appears conveniently safe from physical verification."
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Exaggerations about climate change
"Scientists claim that the new Times Atlas has got it wrong on the melting of the Greenland icesheet. What other exaggerations have been made about climate change?"A great article detailing several doom and gloom predictions that have failed to materialize.
But they won't let that stop them. Here's another piece of idiocy:
Oceans may pause warming of Earth's surface
"Deep areas of Earth's oceans may absorb enough heat that warming of the surface pauses for as long as a decade, a new study has found."That'll do it. Had to find some way of explaining the lack of catastrophic warming in the last decade or more. But I wonder why they left out the heat pumped into the oceans by all those underwater volcanoes where the Earth's tectonic plates meet/pull apart?
Labels: AGW scam, global warming, volcanoes
Ahem, geniuses at NCAR, do you really need to brush up on the Laws of Thermodynamics???
To summarize, in fluid layers -be they gaseous or liquid- a lower level of heat in a layer causes that layer to be denser, therefore heavier, than a hotter layer. Due to it's relatively higher density, the cooler layer therefore weighs more ... and sinks lower than the warmer, lighter layer. The physical tendency is also always for the thermal levels to tend to blend towards equilabrium. Hot air or water rises; cold air or water sinks, NOT the other way around. Anyone who's used a bathtub has experienced this and knows it to be true.
So, to say that heat is hiding in the lower layers of the oceans is to contradict the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Law of Gravity, as proven by a dead Brit named Isaac Newton, further proven by another dead guy, Albert Einstein. And a bunch of other scientists, living and dead.
Seriously, these NCAR scientists HAVE to know better. There's only two possibilities. Either they are scientific morons, not even knowing what a high school student who stayed awake in basic science classes knows. OR, they do know better and they ARE insulting our intelligence, putting out this pseudo-scientific nonsense.
So there's we have it. They're either scientific ignoramuses or they're $cientist-Whore$. I think the latter.
(I'll make two bets here: 1. this NCAR was or is getting a lot of money from some entity to buy their scientific integrity. 2. At least part of the MSM will start quoting this as part of the Gospal of "Climate Change", without of course asking for peer-reviewed confirmation.)
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