A Bit More...
Opening of Canada parliament marks new Tory era
First of all, I like the title, but the bits I really like are:
"With a majority of seats in the House and all three parties across the aisle tangled up in leadership races, Harper's Conservatives are expected to face few real challenges in the fall session of this 41st parliament.Yup. That's why we gave you a majority. We were sick and tired of opposition parties preventing any real decisions and programs from being implemented. I also like this:
The legislative calendar includes several bills which had been rejected by opposition parties when they controlled the House, as well as measures pandering to the Tories' base and which bolster the party's grip on power."
"A bill adding 30 new seats in the 308-member House of Commons should become law by Christmas, reflecting growing populations in parts of the country that are key areas of Tory support."And especially this:
"The government will also start eliminating subsidies for political parties, impacting the coffers of opposition parties with the weakest grassroots fundraising machinery."You don't suppose that's why ya lost, do ya? If you haven't got the grassroots support, screw ya. Why should we prop you up?
Still waiting for news about the CBC, though. Please don't disappoint, Harper.
Labels: Canada, Canadian politics, Canuckistanis, democracy
"A bill adding 30 new seats ..."
"The government will also start eliminating subsidies for political parties..."
I strongly agree with both measures. One-person, one vote proportionate representation is core to Democracy. I'm also totally opposed to a single penny of tax money ever going to political parties. It's inherently corrupting and there's no moral justification whatever for peoples' tax dollars going to any political party. If anyone wishes to support a given party, let them do so with their own personal money!
Now, how about:
eliminating the Gun Registry;
privatizing the CBC;
drastically cutting back on the power of public employees unions (as is already showing to be bearing massive public benefits in Wisconsin);
drastically cutting back on the discretionary authority of all federal judges;
forcing ALL federal agencies & crown corps(ESP THE CBC) to comply fully and in a specified timely fashion with ALL lawful Access to Information requests, with obstinate non-responding officials made personally criminally liable;
eliminating all federal tax money going to so-called carbon-offset kickbacks
eliminating federal tax money going to wind-farm boondoggle "green energy"
What have I forgotten?
Got 70 years? It'll take time to dismantle the Liberal legacy.
I have to confess, I didn't know about this subsidy for all political parties. It was a real shocker when I first heard about it. I object to that even more than I object to our funding of the CBC.
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