Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Misleading Headline

U.S. wanted Vancouver's supervised injection site closed

Right. If the ""U.S." wanted Vancouver's supervised injection site closed", you'd think the Vancouver Sun could show some evidence of an attempt by officials in Washington to bring pressure to bear on people in Ottawa and/or Vancouver or Victoria, wouldn't you. But no, this is about a private cable sent by an American envoy to his bosses describing the safe injection program in Vancouver and giving his opinion of it.
"The memo is generally favourable of the federal Conservative government's efforts to clamp down on the production and distribution of illicit drugs, including a national awareness campaign targeting youth and parents.

"However, local and provincial authorities have embarked on a number of so-called 'harm-reduction' programs," reads the cable, "including a drug injection site and distribution of drug paraphernalia to chronic users."

The document notes the federal government "continues to deliver a sharp message" to cities and provinces about the programs, but called for stronger action.

"Canada, or, as appropriate, municipalities such as Vancouver and Ottawa, should implement the (International Narcotics Control Board's) recommendations to eliminate drug injection sites and drug paraphernalia distribution programs," the cable reads, "because they violate international drug control treaties.""
And, you'll note the reference to international agreements and treaties regarding same, of which the City of Vancouver is obviously in violation. But oh no. This is a case of the U.S. interfering in our affairs according to a commentor. Again, so many people do not understand the role of the diplomatic corp.

Of course, the proximity of Vancouver to large cities in Washington State and the cross border illicit drug trade can't possibly have anything to do with it, either.

Take another toke, fella.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

"Safe injection sites", where drug addicts can continue their ultimately fatal habit, plus continue to enrich drug pushers, organized crime...instead of "American-like"* addiction-breaking methodone treatment facilities, that do neither of the above.

*the ultimate pejorative to a "progressive" Canadian

October 01, 2011 8:15 am  
Blogger Louise said...

We do have methadone clinics, but the fact that these "safe" (for whom, God knows) injection sites sorta attest to the fact that they aren't all that successful.

Funny, I just finished reading a book called "American Myths: What Canadians think they know about America". It's a collection of essays on various topics including the "American-like" pejorative. It was published in 2006, but if you read the comments that accompany any CBC, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, etc., etc., story about the US, it looks like a great many Canucks still cling to their precious last acceptable prejudice.

October 01, 2011 10:05 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Sorry. 2008, not 2006.

October 01, 2011 10:08 am  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

"One theme uniting most contributors is their understanding that Canadian nationalism does not have to be negative. It can be assertive when it needs to be, but it does not have to always compare itself with America. David Wilkins, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, said it best when he said, “Canada never has to tear down the United States to build itself up.”

That's a fact. Canada is one of the truly great nations of the world. The Canadian people have built a great and prosperous Western democracy out of half of an essentially uninhabited continent*. Justified pride can exist totally without disparagement of your friends and neighbors to your south.

*(The pre-bronze age indigenous tribal inhabitants, one or two million at most, don't count, to my mind. They haven't been contributors to building Canada, they've been beneficiaries.)

October 02, 2011 10:01 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Hehehehe. I love a good politically incorrect statement said with conviction.

I could go on and on and on and on about the Indian Industry. No one, yet, has had the balls to confront it, and the result of that has been untold corruption and graft.

October 02, 2011 10:17 am  

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