Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Almost 50 years after the modern feminist movement began, it's hard to believe that when I was fifteen, this is what women were supposed to do and be!

Oh, my. What would I have done? Gulp.

But then again, I had my own mother to emulate. She knew how to wear a pair of pants.

And, you know, I don't think you would find many historians who would agree, but I think the development and wide spread dissemination of "The Pill" just a few years later, was a pivotal point in history. I know my mother was one of the first to line up at the doctor's office.

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Anonymous MaxEd said...

Hard to believe, but until a couple of years ago, I had never heard her voice. I indulged myself last night, watching the ABC News special.
In terms of her opinions on women's place(s), we have to remember that she was a woman of her time and of her upbringing.(With a playboy father, it likely prepped her for a philandering husband.)Also, the interviews came a scant few months after her husband's murder, and she was committed to preserving his legacy above all else. In view of her later career in publishing, it's fascinating to speculate about hoe she might have grown and changed in the First Lady role, had her husband lived and won a second term.
I admired how Caroline has handled this whole thing, which is a tribute to both her parents.

September 14, 2011 2:33 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

You know, I think she really came into her own after JFK was assassinated. I remember the widespread outrage when she took up with Aristotle Onassis, and the not so private war between her and Onassis's daughter, but she didn't flinch.

Good for her, I say!

But you're right. Philandering fathers and husbands were a part of the times, and women just had to take it.

Still, it's amazing how times have changed.

And Caroline Kennedy has to be one tough cookie, considering all the tragedy in her family. Someone did something right in raising her, and it wasn't uncle Ted, that's for sure.

September 14, 2011 3:02 pm  

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