Sunday, August 07, 2011

Anybody Remember...

...the Iran-Contra Affair?  Is this a new one in the making, Ill conceived and ill considered, with Democrat fingerprints all over it?  Why don't you just control the damn border?

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

This gives a whole new perspective on Iran-Contra and even on Watergate. They were both very small potatoes compared to this orchestrated-from-the-top massive gun-smuggling crime which has resulted in the deaths of dozens of Mexicans and Americans. Bit more serious than 1 covered-up burglary, don't you think?

Of course, this crime was committed by a Democrat President and Attorney General, so the MSM Presstitutes are desperately ignoring it.

August 09, 2011 6:57 am  
Blogger Louise said...

I have to confess I didn't follow the Iran-Contra Affair closely. I had two very young children underfoot at the time, but yes, Watergate is another one. You know the rules. If it's a Republican in the Oval Office, then it's 24/7, weeks on end, coverage, but if it's Dems, nothing.

What I do remember of the Iran-Contra Affair was Oliver North who seemed to be the fall guy, the fact that the Pres was making a deal with the Devil over in Iran (I don't remember this being the time of the embassy hostages, so that was something I just learned) and passing money on to the Contra. I remember Central and South America being in continuous turmoil for a decade or two. Pretty much the same era as the Salvador Allende thing.

August 09, 2011 7:34 am  

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