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Humans, Neanderthals got it on, study says
"A new study adds more evidence to the theory that humans and Neanderthals interbred thousands of years ago. The study found that many humans outside of Africa share DNA with the long-extinct species."
Labels: early humans, evolution, genetics, science
I wonder if Neanderthals found we Homo Sapiens as ugly as we today find them to have been???
As to Homo-Sapien and Neanderthal inter-breeding, here's my theory. As any college undergrad in the civilized world can attest, the closer it gets to bar and pub closing times, the better an unattached person of the opposite sex begins to look, to a horny and unattached person.
So, there were enough unattached H-Sapiens and Neans at prehistoric bar-closing times that many "boy meets girl" encounters happened. The clock would be ticking ever closer to closing. The guy would chug another drink down to fortify his courage. Then he'd make his move. If the girl found him to appear serviceable, they'd jump onto his pliohippus tied outside and ride over to his cave, "for a nightcap". Then and now, one thing leads to another...
(This theory also accounts for the existence of hippies and dippers, their hybrid descendents. ;-)
I'll have to think about that one overnight. Did neanderthals really die out or did they just merge?
And what role does beer or other intoxicants have in evolution, survival of the fittest, etc.?
Beer doesn't appear to have an evolutionary effect. Otherwise, we wouldn't have the McKenzie Bros. :-)
We may be at a grand mutational moment where Survival-of-the-Fittest may now be turned on it's head. All the guys who worked out so hard to get the good bod are now at risk. All the dweeby and nerdy types, who found it so hard to even get dates in high school or college, BUT majored in Math, Computer Science, are now at the top of the food chain income-wise in the new high-tech corporate world.
At work, the good bods are asking, "How do you want your burger?", whereas the Dweebs & Nerds are designing the world's computer operating systems, networking and application software. The best of them, the new real alpha male Dweebs and Nerds are the ones making million$ writing the latest and greatest computer and Playstation games.
I hypothesize that the ultimate outcome of this will be humanity resembling those Star Trek aliens from the first episode, who had short, skinny, weak bodies but enormous dome-shaped skulls to contain their advanced brains. They'll be the new Homo-Sapiens and the jocks will be the new extinct Neanderthals. The new H-Sapiens might keep contained, breeding-controlled colonies of new Neanderthals alive, to play football, basketball and hockey on weekends to entertain the new H-Sapiens. And of course to serve the refreshments at the stadiums. "How do you want your burger?" :-)
I beg to differ on the McKenzie bros. Would that show have been as popular without Molson Canadian? Would Bob and Doug have been so funny if they were sober?
I think not.
And after all, beer seems to have been a factor in the survival of the earliest human agricultural settlements.
Come to think of it, maybe that's what did the Neanderthal in. Perhaps they just couldn't handle their alcohol, or couldn't master the art of brewing of it, giving homo sapiens an evolutionary edge.
That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
And I'm not sure about the brainiac versus jock evolutionary struggle, either. Who do the girls favour? Hum?
Or should that be what do the girls favour? Food or machines? Or is that stuff just guy bait? Or is it the money?
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