Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Phyllis Chesler Puts Anders Breivek

UPDATE: And nowhere does "the steady penetration of Islamic gender and religious apartheid" continue more blatantly than in The Once Great Britain.

========Original Post Starts Here========

...on the couch and finds a man who is "violent, evil, sociopathic". She also picks apart the "Right-Wing Massacres Are the Same as Islamist Jihadic Massacres" meme.
"Western political leaders, the media, and the professoriate have focused only on Western imperialism, racism, and historical slavery and have absolutely refused to focus on Muslim imperialism, racism, and historical and contemporary slavery.

Meanwhile, the steady penetration of Islamic gender and religious apartheid continues apace in the West, especially in Europe, including in Norway."
And, lo and behold, she takes the same view of this as I do:
"The Norwegian government’s refusal to deal with the reality of hostile, separatist, un-assimilated, and violent Muslim enclaves in its midst is what finally forced Breivik’s hand. The proof is that Breivik did not murder Muslims. His was a mainly Caucasian-on-Caucasian, infidel-on-infidel, Norwegian-on-Norwegian massacre. Breivik turned on what he viewed as a fifth column, the Norwegian elite. They had the power to insist that Muslim immigrants speak Norwegian and embrace European Enlightenment values. They refused to do so. His message to Norway’s “progressives” is chillingly clear. Their teenage children, already well indoctrinated, will not live to carry out what Breivik viewed as their parents’ failed multi-cultural policies."
Trouble is, will any of those elites understand their role in causing this massacre?

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