Hah! This Is Just What We Need
Canada's MSM has their knickers in a knot about Sun Media newspaper chain.
"The departure of the Sun Media chain of newspapers from Ontario's print media watchdog is a blow to the accountability of Sun publications and does not bode well for the company going forward, says the executive director of an international group of media ombudsmen.What a brain dead fool! What the hell does he think the reading/viewing public is, if not the very best kind of "mechanism" for accountability. We don't need Big Brother protecting us. We can figure it out ourselves. And we'll leave political correctness out of it.
Jeffrey Dvorkin of the Organization of News Ombudsmen said the letter from Sun Media's vice-president of editorial, which stated the "politically correct mentality" of the Ontario Press Council is "incompatible" with the direction of that company's newspapers, strips the company of much-needed transparency required to maintain public trust.
"The difficulty is that there's now no mechanism in place for any kind of public accountability with Sun Media," said Dvorkin, who is based in Toronto. "It's really too bad and I think Sun Media is the ultimate loser by this short-sighted gesture."
This blogger has it about right:
"A liberal making comments on behalf of a liberal organization on behalf of an industry that is wildly liberal. Are you surprised?"
Labels: Fox News North, leftards, leftards and leftards, Mainstream Media, media bias, political correctness, small "l" liberalism
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