Tuesday, July 19, 2011

F***K It's Hot Out!

UPDATE: Yup. Big storm last night. Lots of thunder and rain. Big wind. Power went off and on and finally off for about three or four hours. Sleepless in Saskatchewan, I am (not Kansas).
+89F. But it's a moist heat, so it feels like +106F according to the humidex reading.

For you AGW freaks, I remember days like this in July when I was a kid in the 50s, when the thermometer said +102F or +103F. And once way back in the 70's when I lived in Saskatoon, the temp went up to +40C (+104F) on Louis Riel Day. And I don't remember weather forecasts mentioning anything about a "humidex", so it probably felt a lot hotter than +104F. (I don't think they have that celebration anymore. It's politically incorrect, you know. Just like denying AGW.)

Anyway, hot days like this are usually followed by wicked storms, so I might be visiting Kansas tonight. I'm afraid I don't have red slippers, tho. WYSIWYG.

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