Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm Baaaaack (Updates aka tinkering, added)

I've been offline for over a month but not much has changed in the world.

While I was offline, two things happened which I could have exploited to the hilt, so I will:

First, is our little Brigitte Depape (or is it Brigette. The press can't make up their minds, even if they do call the incident for what it is.) and her stand for, for.....for.....what exactly, we don't know.

Oh well, she got a job for her trouble. I wonder what one does exactly when one works for Michael Moore? She better be a good cook and have lots of recipes for cooking in large quantities. And she can supply him with a steady stream of lies about Canada for any upcoming films he may want to make.

The other was the NDP's (so far failed) move to drop the word "socialist" from their constitution. They're fixing to replace the Liberal Party.  I say, why the hell not. It would be good to have a showdown between two ideologically opposed parties in the country and watch the old socialist buffoons go down the tube.  After all, if the Liberal Party of Canada, as "socialist lite", is down the tube, we might as well wrap up the rest of them, the hard core socialists, and send them packing into the annals of history's failed ideas. Faster, please!

Anyway, looking forward to a resumption of blogging about all the craziness in the world, but I may not be as prolific as in the past. Sorry all you folks who kept checking in hoping to find an update. It was Sasktel's fault.

Oh. And the entry below was done using my sister's computer.  The Canucks still suck, though. So does their city. See what you get for being so "nice".

And you wonder why Canada is moving to the right (You go, Rob Ford!!) and the NDP is left huffing and panting, in a state of confusion, as they try to catch up.

I wonder if Rob Ford would consider moving to Vancouver.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Welcome back, Louise! We all missed ya.

Read that first link. Tricking an 8 yr old child into wearing a suicide bomb-the only description that comes to mind is satanically wicked.

On the Comrades of the NDP considering dropping "Socialist", my suggestion to them is to make it even more accurate. Instead of deleting that accurate word, ADD "Soviet". Make it formally the Canadian Soviet Socialist Party, the CSSP. Truth-in-Advertising, right?

June 29, 2011 8:48 am  
Blogger Louise said...

CSSP? Sounds like the air rushing out of a balloon as it flies crazy-like around the room. I'll bet you there's a lot of that happening within the loyal Party ranks right now. "Oh my God! What do we do now? What do we do now? We might have to actually follow through on our crazy ideas!!"

It's enough to guarantee Conservative governments for years to come, IMHO. You heard it here first.

June 29, 2011 8:59 am  
Blogger Col Mustard said...

Missed you...welcome back

June 29, 2011 11:29 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Col Mustard??!!

Did you do it? In the kitchen? With a candlestick? Or is it something more, uh, modern?

Sheesh. How many more times can I lose my innocence?

June 29, 2011 11:52 am  

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