Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yeah, Ezra!!

CRTC's a dinosaur
"Who is this CRTC? It stands for the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. So it's about as fresh and current as the vacuum tube. They're a government agency created decades ago, back when people didn't know any better about letting the government control TV and radio.

Today, the CRTC's chief reason to exist is to perpetuate itself — to keep expanding its bureaucratic empire. It's called mission creep. If it was a private company, it would have gone out of business around the time Betamax did. When was the last time a government bureaucracy stopped, just because it became useless?"
Too late for this election, but yet another reason to give the Cons a majority, since most of these government created dinosaurs were the brainchildren of the Liberal Party of Canada.

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