Remember This One?
We need an update. I'd love to see how The Count would be portrayed.
Labels: Canadian politics, Canuckistanis, humor
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @
Labels: Canadian politics, Canuckistanis, humor
Liberal candidate John Reilly made some very stupid comments on sexual molestation and demeaning of women. It was bad enough, that his own leader Ignatieff, said he was "disgusted" and that Reilly's " remarks are utterly,totally unacceptable. We find them in fact, disgraceful. That remark was simply unacceptable and he knows that."
We get it, that the remarks were not defended by anyone, but where was the condemnation in the media. In trying to explain the paradox, someone put it best, and put things in context, and draws our attention to this inconsistency, when they said
"This marks the first time in post-modern media history that a Women's Group was not approached for comment."
In other words where were all the Lefties of the Liberal media who would blow up this story and make a serious condemnation, if and only if, a Liberal was not involved - they are strangely silent, and not running to all the women's organizations of every description, and prodding them for a quote and a story. It also begs the question, why are some of the Women's groups strangely silent themselves as well - many of those lefty organizations usually are well able to search out the press on their own volition. They couldn't be bothered to raise a finger or their voice when a known Liberal is the culprit.
So true. (Heavy sigh)
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