Sunday, April 17, 2011

Glad To Hear It!

Quebec closer to sovereignty: Gilles Duceppe

I guess we can look forward to considerably less whining when we move to kick you out of the federation, then.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

"Well, GO! for Chr*st's sake! You're now cut off from the Canadian federal teat, so take your pro-rata share of the Canadian national debt and don't bump your ass on the door on the way out."

I've long ago come to the conclusion that Canada without Quebec would be far better off than is Canada with Quebec. When are you real Canadians going to get tired of the narcissistic, oh-so-put-upon Quebecois' chronic whining and financial shakedowns, call their bluff and tell 'em to go ahead and leave?

(And while you're at it, tell Ontario that you're rid of one parasitic province, Ontario isn't going to take over that role. One person, one vote, plus a Triple E Senate!)

April 17, 2011 10:44 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Harper just made a confused statement that at once tells Quebeckers to quit voting for the Bloc and he wants them to stay in Canada.

I don't know how Canada can go about kicking them out though. There's no divorce provisions in our Constitution, that I know of. We need a few men with balls in high political office and maybe we need to open up the constitution for amendment. That hasn't been done since it was created back in '84 or whenever it was.

There's a large segment of the population that will have no memory of what a tortuous process the creation of that document was. But I'm getting really sick and tired of the status quo.

I wonder what would happen to the Maritime provinces and NFLD if Quebec was independent.

The First Nations in Quebec would be shitting bricks, too. That would be fun to watch. Quebec doesn't take no shit from that quarter.

I think Western Canada would soar and Ontario, well, who knows. Look what happened in Toronto, the centre of Canadian political correctness as well as the universe!

April 17, 2011 11:01 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

There are just sooooo many things that need to change. I despair that any of that will ever happen, though. Western separation has a better chance of happening.

April 17, 2011 11:04 pm  

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