Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pollsters Going Mad With Election Fever

Everybody and his dog is expecting an election call. Pollsters are working overtime. Still, they can't come up with what the Libs and Dippers want. Here's yet another that puts the Cons ahead. But will it be a majority or business as usual?

I just hope those that thing this is a ridiculous waste of time (a position with which I have some considerable sympathy) will come out to vote. Our politicians need to hear from all of us and we, as citizens, need to know where in the spectrum our own leanings really fit. Elections with low turn outs are just as bad as the bias in our media. So, if there is an election in the offing, which we will know in a matter of days or even hours, no mater what your stripes, don't stay home on election day. Make your choice known, not just for the sake of our political class, but for all of us.

And please, don't throw away your vote just because there isn't a "None of the above" option on the ballot. You have to make an informed, responsible choice based on which party best fits your overall values and views on the issues that are most important to you. Some of us may end up happy. Some of us maybe not, but I can't imagine anyone being pleased with an outcome that results in no change at all, while at the same time the stats tell us that a large swath of eligible voters stayed away from the polling stations. Canadian apathy worries me - very much.

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