Is Stephen Harper the Teflon PM...
A recent spate of articles in the National Post call attention to the Liberal Party supporting, left-leaning mainstream media's seemingly futile attempt to smear Stephen Harper and taint the Conservative Party with manufactured scandal. Some are blaming the Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff, and to be sure the Liberal Party could do much better than him.
But I think there's more to it. Much more.
I think we are at the beginning of a sea change in Canadian politics. It's a sea change that will, if it succeeds, reverse the small "l" liberal tide that began sometime in the late 1930s or perhaps following World War II, which brought us to the place we are today.
We are sick and tired of a phony "rights" industry that has grown to champion every sort of kooky left wing cause ever dreamed up where even governments are afraid to speak of politically incorrect themes; where Canada's place in the world has declined precipitously thanks to the decimation of our armed forces; where the rights of citizens and of individuals have been usurped in favour of the rights of special victims groups (gays and other "genders", Aboriginals, radical Muslims, whiny Quebecers, etc., etc.), all of whom get more and more and more simply by whining harder and louder and longer; where the genuine, legitimate fears of honest citizens, and the closely and strongly held beliefs of people who subscribe to traditional values are being airily dismissed or worse yet, harshly silenced the by jack boot industry of political correctness, which includes not only our so-called human rights commissions, but our mainstream media, and especially the one we fund, AND OUR COURTS!! We are sick and tired that our judicial system has been turned into enablers and enforcers of political correctness rather than interpreters of the law and that our institutions of higher learning have been turned into incubators of a twisted sort of small "l" liberal indoctrination and where classical liberalism itself has been turned on its head
I sense we are seeing the beginning of the end of the brand which championed all of these things, the brand of liberalism that thought we peasants should be wowed into submission just by the fact that the Liberal Party of Canada had appointed a Harvard scholar to be their leader even though he hadn't lived in Canada for decades (waving aside their own customary leadership selection processes to do it, too), who knows nothing of our recent past and has proven to be totally out of touch with the grass roots. I sense that we see in Harper and the Conservative Party, warts notwithstanding, a better choice, simply because the alternative parties are the ones who slowly but surely got us into this stagnant fix we are in, in the first place. We are seeing little signs of it popping up all over from recent court decisions, to election and polling results, to proud displays of support for our troops and some serious discussions now taking place about long standing Liberal Party sacred cows such as multiculturalism and strident anti-Americanism.
After all, here in Saskatchewan, after more or less 80 years of CCF/NDP governments and we turfed them out in the last election in favour of Brad Wall's Saskatchewan Party. And Brad Wall, that young, forward looking, positive thinking conservative is the most popular premier in the country, not just in the province where his party governs. Then there's Rob Ford in Toronto. And Tim Hudak in Ontario. The signs are all around. The Liberal brand, even its hardcore NDP, is as the setting sun. Both the Libs and the Dippers are down in the polls. The Dippers from 18% to 15% and the Libs, the natural governing party, are only at 27%.
Here's to the future. May my children and grand children have a better Canada than I did. And may it not take 80 years. We can start by dismantling the CBC. There is no way on God's green earth we need a tax funded media organ in this country, in this day and age, especially one that leans toward the old style small "l", small thinking, bankrupt, arrogant liberalism. Now!!
Labels: Canada, NDP, sea change, small "l" liberalism
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