Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby Joseph Again

There are several stories this morning about this poor little tyke. I think it's especially informative to read the comments attached to those that allow them.  Look in particular at the Canadian media first and then go look at CNN and Fox News. I really don't see much of a difference. The way the left in Canada goes on about Faux News, you'd expect there to be a rather stark difference between Fox and Sun, on the one hand, and the Globe and Mail and CNN on the other. But I don't see much. There are a variety of perspectives at each site, and a surprising number of the Fox News and Sun commentators are of the same mind as Globe and Mail and CNN readers.

In any case, I would not want to have to walk in the parents' shoes and it's only because I am not facing their dilemma that I can say I think having Baby Joseph all tied up with tubes and artificial life support is no more an expression of God's will than removing them is. Without human intervention, this baby would be dead by now.

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