Friday, January 21, 2011

Secret Agendas

I bought John Gormley's book, Left Out: Saskatchewan's NDP and the Relentless Pursuit of Mediocrity. I read the first 35 pages last night and on page 30 there's this beaut (# 6 of the Seven Rules for Getting and Keeping Power in Saskatchewan): 
"Always put a positive face on your own accomplishments and promises while swearing to all that is holy that your opponent has a hidden agenda - about which you'll be witheringly negative - and which will terrorize old folks, the vulnerable and upset people who fear change."
Sound familiar? If not, just read the comments in any story the CBC publishes on their website about the eeeeeevil "Harper Conservatives" and their "hidden agenda".

Dippers and Liberals. They never change. And they can always rely on a vast gaggle of mind-numbingly stupid followers ready and willing to swallow the swill.

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