Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Most Raaaaaacist Tea Party Group

...forms in Houston. (Must be Bush's fault.)

First Black Tea Party Forms in Houston
"Named after the first person to die in the Revolutionary War, the Crispus Attucks Tea Party was founded January 18th, 2011..."
"With the typical politesse and considerate attitude of conservatives — always left unreported by the press (do ya think?) – Rep. Lee was extended an invitation to the event. And with typical leftist rudeness, Lee snubbed it. Wonder why? These are her constituents, after all."
"Surprisingly, the local Fox News channel reporting on the event hastened to observe that many attendees at this founding meeting were white. Simply unbelievable. Is it not even possible to attend an event in support of the group without the information being somehow skewed by the media to suggest that it wasn’t “authentic” because white people were there???"
Guess who didn't attend. This Democrat is their representative in Washington. Why would she want to hear from them? I mean really!

Speaking of raaaacism....

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