"Omigod, omigod, omigod, their talking about us"
Yawn. CBC - serving its base.
Speaking of which, here are a few of the more savoury gems penned by that frothy bunch, that got published by the CBC. They range from conspiracy theorists, to anti-Semites, to sufferers of Harper Derangment Syndrome. The number of them that not only show up but actually get published on CBC's website is astonishing. Bear in mind, very few of the Canadian related documents had yet to be published when these comments started flowing, so most of them are pure fantasy and conjecture, but apparently that's not inappropriate for the CBC website. My comments are written in blue, inside blue parentheses. Here we go:
"I wonder how long this story will be posted before it is pulled unless it is from the PMO to start with" (Conspiracy theory and Harper Derangement Syndrome)
"Just like in highschool, let's see how much the jockey USA is dissing us Canadians (and everyone else, except Isreal)." (Just an observation, but have you ever noticed how often these lefties spell Israel wrong?)
"The tough part of this is... the US gets tarred for what the quips of it's Ivy league snoty educated foreign civil service people..but no one is looking at Canada's communcations from Washingon to Ottawa... Let's face it... they are likely equally "uncomfortable" with what and how things are said, that in the public would NEVER be said this way or at all." (Some good points and some so-so. First, this commenter is making assumptions about the nature of the private exchanges between the American embassy staff and folks back in Washington, BEFORE HE HAS EVEN SEEN OR READ ANY OF THEM. But, he's correct that these sorts of conversations are part and parcel of every ambassadorial exchange with headquarters, no matter what the country. I'll call this tunnel vision. It's like they're looking through a one way mirror.)
"I don't understand the concern over this, like our diplomats are any more diplomatic. This is just smoke and daggers to have an excuse for more security and less freedom. Watch all diplomates are going to have Blackberrys and this stuff will be coded and no longer useful." (Good points. This commentator understands the day to day grind of the diplomat's job. But his postulation is about "smoke and daggers" is a bit overboard. True enough, though, this could be used as a reason to clamp down on the freedoms we enjoy in cyberspace. Somehow, I don't think WikiLeaks has that as one of their goals.)
"Is there anything in there about Chemtrails ?
Cause it WAS going to be a beautiful sunny day, but they are spraying like made up there....and you wait, in a couple hours it will be completely overcast.
Thanks to letting the military spray us like cockroaches, mine government." (Huh?? Not sure what this one is getting at, but it sounds part tongue in cheek and part conspiracy theory.)
"Its interesting that CBC wasnt given access to the files in the same way that NYT, SPIEGEL, etc were." (That's because the CBC is a half-bit little organization in a two-bit little country. We have a reputation to dismantle and then rebuild, thanks in no small way to the work of the CBC over the past 40 to 50 years. Oh. And by the way, do I detect a bit of the good old inferiority complex? "Waaaa. Why did they get it, but we didn't.")
"Wow! A government sponsored network that is leaking security documents! Time to get rid of the CBC!!" (Bingo!)
"Interesting not so much, obvious and expected, yes. CBC is a government funded and controlled censorship, shill, authorless article propaganda token news organisation" (Another "Huh?" In other words, the CBC is trying to protect the government by censoring.....um, censoring....., what was that again that they're censoring by putting the WikiLeaks documents on line for all to see? Wow! Our education system is in shambles, I guess.)
"So our leaders are telling this is a vile disrespect for confidential diplomatic dealings and here's CBC, giving us a customized tool to search our hearts out for the juicy tidbits.
That cracks me up... Shows how once something is freed to the media, it propagates beyond the government's control." (True enough, which I suppose is a good thing, but then we are treated to the spectacle of MSM distortion and misreading, so we, the citizens, aren't a whole lot better off.)
"It's become evident, this whole Wikileak thing, is a propoganda scam by the US Government, to try and discredit Iran.
Everybody knows the Iranian government is excellent at propoganda. I do not support Iran at all, but I cannot believe the American gov't would think that anybody would be so gulible to believe any of this nonsense. (That's just too much of a beaut. I'll let it speak for itself.)
And CBC..... You are just as bad for sensationalizing it."(Well, he got that part right.)
"JohnnieBoy wrote at 10:23 AM ET "Can't wait to see what or American (neighbours) say about us... I'm sure it will all be positive."
Joking aside, about all that has been disclosed so far is that the US considers Canada to be a nation with "an inferiority complex".
No word yet on more substantial issues, such as whether Uncle Sam wants Canada to "please take your terrorist back" in the Omar Khadr case or any reaction to Jean Chrétien's decision to deploy troops to Kandahar but not to Baghdad where the fictional WMD cache was to have existed.
My guess is that far more of this will focus on hotspots like the Middle East and Korea, or at least somewhere where oil wells are located somewhere not nicknamed "51st state" or "Texas of the North", with international relations between the opposite sides of CanUSA Street, Beebe Plain, Québec/Vermont somehow being little more than a footnote if even notable at all. Haskell's Library is not the Korean Northern Limit Line and CanUSA Street not the DMZ, even if signage on one side of the road s'exprime en français. (Well, darned if I know what that means, but it's certainly worthy of publication.)
"I knew it all along. The reason our beer is strong is to keep us in the dark about whats happening in the real world.
This has got to be the most anti climactic story ever. Sort of like paying for pleasure and then being told you need to put down another deposit before your rocks pop." (Well said, even if a little crude.)
"cb1613 wrote: "..because the price of fuel in Ontario under McGuilty and the Harper Sales Tax is more than a US.."
...because of that line right there I stopped reading your comment since you have no credibility. I'm not conservative, I'm as liberal as they come, but you can't blame HST on Harper, it had nothing to do with him. Harper's actually lowered the Goods & Services Tax by 2% since he's been in office. I dislike the Conservatives and Harper as much as the next guy, but I'm not just going to make things up to blame him for. What's with this uber-liberal mentality to just blame EVERYTHING on Harper, even if it's a provincial matter that he has no say in?" (At last, we have a breath of fresh air, proving that Liberals /Dippers? can argue with logic and do recognize moonbat conspiracy theories, after all. There's hope. You think maybe this guy might have issues with giving public funds to a broadcaster which chooses to publish conspiracy theory non-sense? Hope so.)
"These releases while supposedly damaging for the US don't seem to have been reported as causing any danger to anyone only embarrassment and it's understood, so it looks like credible stuff to masses.
It only serves a few real purposes (to condition of international masses):
1. Creates the 9/11 like Internet security event with censorship/web sites closures/repercussions targeted at Internet free speech "anti-establishment" web sites...putting them on the "terrorist" list. Also in a few months we can expect international agreements that will legalise of severely censoring what can be said on the Internet against establishment. (Indeed, that is one of the possible outcomes of this. We need to be vigilant and we need to support every effort to bring WikiLeaks down.)
2. Serving current US/Israeli political stance against Iran. (Eyes rolling.)
3. And usual increase in the "anti-terrorism" security measures, giving governments even more control." (Possibly, or something similar.)
"With all the wikileaks over the few years they have released documents no one has been killed because of it. That is simple American bull." (Are you sure about that? The MSM wouldn't report it, if it did. We're talking simple Afghan peasants being put at risk, for example. The MSM doesn't give a shit about them, unless they are with the Taliban and there's rumours of a torture story that can be hyped up.)
"Here is how I see all of this....This is the beginning of the end to the internet. This is the thing that will shut it down or at the very least become government controlled. This has been predicted. They need to stop the sheeple from communicating with one another. Something about all of this seems like a set up.
Time will tell......." (Again, a very plausible outcome, perhaps bit by bit, but here we go again with the conspiracy theorizing.)
"Sorry but this looks like normal business in the diplomatic realm....yawwn." (Bingo! But perhaps we should wait and actually see what the "Canadian" documents actually say.)
"I doubt that the information related to Canada in these documents will be terribly surprising, except to find them so bluntly stated in "diplomatic" communications. American attitudes towards Canada and Canadians are well known: we are a close ally and important trade partner, but we seem soft on drugs, criminals, and security; as a country, we have an inferiority complex that can often result in anti-American sentiments and rhetoric, but rarely in anti-American actions; we seem to have a naive understanding of international affairs that can lead us to be soft on enemies of the West; and we have a more socialist leaning politically, although the current Harper government is much more in line with American views.
As for "invading" Canada, the US has no need to invade us, they already own us... or, at least, all the parts they are interested in. To be a little more fair, however, our multinationals tend to be few, our companies are often weak because many "entrepreneurs" in this country only want to create something interesting enough that the Americans will buy their company and make them rich enough that they can retire in Phoenix or Florida, and American paranoia post 9/11 makes them want to own everything that they depend on (such as Canadian resources)."
"I think most Canadians are too busy trying to get by to be bothered looking up info in these "leaks".I think the only people really interested will be the terrorists and others who might be plotting against the free world and by antiwar protesters who are trying desperately to find dirt to discredit people trying to keep us free.I am somewhat disturbed that CBC is aiding this effort using our tax dollars.This data will likely cause the deaths and torture of people too so Wkileaks is intentionally causing harm to others. Even the US who they hate likely does not intentionally want to cause harm to people. So who is worse? It also seems that Assange is part of the paranoid conspiracy theorists who believe there is an agent around every corner and that everything we see in not real. He must also not be a parent because parents try to minimize any threats or danger to their children and these leaks put many people sons and daughters in harms way. It is also somewhat disturbing that all this information is one sided and there is really nothing exposing the game plan and mind of those who intentionally detonate bombs in places like markets where innocent civilians are killed. These leaks are similar to releasing the plans and information used by the police to bring down organized crime. The only positive thing I can see from all this is that this has exposed a major weakness in how information is stored and transmitted. I suspect now that all future military information will be encoded and transmitted more secretly and less people will be privy to it. There was that expression used during world war 2 that "loose lips sink ships" because when the enemy got a hold of such information, they would use it to locate and destroy ships at sea, resulting in many deaths." (Oh man. You should be working for the CBC.)
"This won't make governments more honest..Just more careful. But it should serve to show how much is kept from the people they supposedly serve." (First part is true. Second part, why do we need to know what our ambassador says of some President in some banana republic? That's not exactly critical for Canadian democracy.)
"Carefull not to search for something too specific. It could be a trap. I know, I know, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me." (Moonbat conspiracy theory.)
"Could Wikileaks be a front for the CIA to distribute the info they want you to see ?" (Moonbat conspiracy theory. And by the way, if we didn't have this inferiority complex you would have said CSIS, not CIA.)
"Oh please its not big news as long as Canada wasnt mentioned but since it was well...They wouldnt even bother with it if Canada want metnioned in the Cables. But it just goes to show that they are suddenly callling these diplomatic cables compared to "files" making it a cover story for what they are really about.They were not called that in the last two weeks of coming announcements of these impending leaks. Its really funny that this is all haooening at the same time North Korea is threatening to attack the South and US forces when they see impending dissention amongst the UN over all of this though.. Taking advantage of the situation if it were.Sorry folks we have a right to know these things and just goes to show how Canada is shown on the world stage and you have to wonder why we didnt get a seat on the UN security council. We allready knew how the US felt about us Canadians they just dont like it when the TRUTHS come out by someone else." (Complete moonbat psycho-babel - I think. It's hard to tell what this is about. It would get a D - or an F in a sixth grade term paper, but the CBC publishes it.)
"Is this a new tool to help control....YOU.. ?? Food for thought. I do not like the way the world looks anymore" (Again, a possible look into the future.)
"Come on WikiLeaks find out what our Reform Government is really doing in Afghanistan.
The truth someday will be set free." (Moonbattery, pure and simple)
"Hold on is this stil being debated?
I actually thought some juicy stuff was gonna come out. Everything revealed so far could have been found by doing some surfing on the internet and paying attention to the 6pm news. There is nothing new here.
NOTHING NEW AT ALL!!!!!" (Exactly! But then let's wait a few more days and see what the big Canada Day dump is really going to give us.)
"All this proves is that
1) the security system that the US is using to transmit these messages is not secure. OR
2) the person or persons who broke their security contract or agreement that you have to sign before your even allowed to look at secret and above material is leaking this material and if caught, must pay with serious jail time." (Bingo!)
"How childish. Mr. Assange doesn't have to take any responsibility for governing or for the diplomatic--and perhaps personal--damage his actions may have already caused.
How can contributing to the breakdown of trust among nations already facing severe challenges be considered virtuous action? How can making governments even more restrictive and paranoid in dealing with their employees--as has already happened in response to the leaks and will probably worsen--be a good thing?
If we don't like how governments are working, throwing an anarchist's bomb into the diplomatic sphere is not a solution; it just makes things worse.
Newsmedia and cynics see it all as great entertainment, of course, but playing around in world affairs like this carries a cost that Mr. Assange cannot possibly measure, and that is what makes him so irresponsible"
"Its a bit like flushing the toilet. Maybe after this is over we can start clean and try to be a little more honest with the public."
"I don't get it. If any of this information truly puts people at risk, can they not just shut this site down ? Twenty years ago, this would have been considered high treason and punishment was ultimate.
Or perhaps this is yet another attempt to sensationlize nothingness to something and allow the media to have a field day. After all, we have had nothing but news on two small countries that were meaningless 10 years ago and now make the headlines every day (Haiti and Afghanistan) and the news admittedly gets relatively repetitious and stale...." (At last, someone who is both articulate and perceptive. Well done, CBC, for publishing it.)
"Am I the only one unimpressed with this drivel? Where is the earth-shattering revelations that will change our view-point or foreign affairs? Who cares if some ambassador thinks Moammar Gadhafi is a crazy old man with a penchant for large breasted blondes or that the King of Saudi Arabia wants the US to attack Iran. Anyone with half a brain and a Google search bar can find this stuff out." (True enough, but then when the West is trying to woo the old goat and keep him in our tent, so to speak, this cannot help. Frankly, I would rather see him left back in his Libyan dessert, with his camels and his harem.)
"Details of Washington's tranactional alliances with murderous dictators, corrupt tyrants, warlords and drug traffickers are among its most closely guarded quasi secrets. Most media accounts can be blown off by officialdom, but smoking-gun diplomatic cables are harder to ignore.
The recent mega-leaks are especially jarring because of the extreme contrasts between the U. S. government,s public pretenses and real life actions. But the standard official response is to blame the leaking messengers.
Sen. Joseph Lieberman statment Wikileaks deliberate disclosure of these diplomatic cables is nothing less than an attack on our national security.
But what kind of national security can be built on duplicity from a government that is discreited and refuted by its own documents?"
"I wonder what our diplomats or anyone's diplomats have to say about other countries. Probably not much different than the Americans. If I was running the government I would want unvarnished honest opinions from my overseas diplomats and not politically correct pablum written to make us feel good."
"I, as a citizen of Canada, have an absolute right to know everything my government does in my name.
The only true threat to national security is an uninformed passive electorate, and governments that believe their decisions and deliberations should not be fully exposed to the glare of public scrutiny!"
"I would hate to appear to be diluting our boy and girls' efforts of bringing peace and democracy upon the ignorant third world... but lets cut through all the dark clouds of propaganda and look at this clearly
why would our beloved Cannon be so quick to support the U.S. on "our behalf" when there are rumours that our lovely neighbours alegedly accuse us of having an infiriority complex
wake up Canadians.... we have kissed uncle sam's bumm for way too long
the cables that are going to be released regarding our home and native land may bring us to question our government... but i say we clean up our own mess and let the americans drown in their own mess"
"The release of these documents is a treasonous act upon any American who released them. Assange has unleashed the exact opposite of what he was hoping to achieve, and maybe in part the world governments found a man in whom they could use to further their cause of less disclosure and transparency in government.
Assange, freedom of information crusader or government dupe used to justify tighter controls and operational transparency." (Good thing you're not "running Canada". It's hard to top this one as a fine specimen of moonbattery.)
"What? Nothing related to the Fisher -Underwood marriage?? Pffft...some leak!"
"Well well.. Here we go again..The Americans think they rule the world..Their whole country is based upon fear..Their economy relies on war..But yet they have never won a war they have started..They always want to start them but need other countries to come in and finish their mess.. I say screw yous..The Americans want war well thats fine cause by them selves they would be wiped out..(VIETNAM is an example)..The American economy is as follows-25% is illegal immergrants and degenerits..50% is involved in military and 10% is average workers and 15% is politics..Without war the Americans would have nothing..So with all that said, if you Americans got a problem with us Canadians well then come get some and we'll give yous a repeat of the war of 1812................." (Unadulterated moonbattery)
"I can't help but wonder how many US bashers here haven't got their own dirty little secrets that they would rather keep private?
- How about a dirty little s3x story? maybe same s3x ? maybe something dirtier?
(bark bark, whiney whiney, bah bah)
- How about a little fling with your buddys woman or your husbands buddy or their dog?
- How about something you said or did to your neighbor, or friend, or employer or spouse or family member?
Everyone has secrets they do not want to talk about or have anyone know about, nations are just a little larger and have more secrets that have far more weight than your perverted little fantasies about your best friends 14 year old daughter.
If these secrets get out as they are, we face a very serious threat of global meltdown, nations who have been neighbors and friends for years may get upset if they find out their neighbor ran over their cat and didn't tell them or realized that they have been stealing their morning paper for 6 months. You get what I mean?
International policy is guaranteed to to have nations who are friendly but also have dirt on each other. That dirt is best left concealed because you never know what PANDORAS BOX you are opening and how many countless lives and friendships it may cost.
Anyone that doesn't agree is welcome to post all their dirty little secrets here for anyone to read about, make sure you also leave your name and address and phone number so we can all get in touch with you." (Also well said.)
"I find CBC's article to be completely unreasonable and ill-advised. The posting of secret or classified information, knowing that it was obtained by theft and sedition, is clearly illegal ... and it doesn't matter that the crime was committed outside of Canada. CBC's actions in showing how to search this information (rather than simply reporting the fact of the publishing), in my opinion, crosses the line from responsible journalism and into it now being an accessory after the fact of a very serious criminal offense. If the information had have been ... say ... pornography (rather than the release of stolen classified material), would CBC then post links on how to access and search for this information? I would hope NOT!! So how does CBC justify its blattant complicity in the distribution of this information?" (Oh how I wish we could see the CBC charged with something along those lines.)
"the thing about secrets are they never stay secret forever.As a canadian and a member of this planet,I think that is fair and resonable the the global police are held accountable for there actions.Its easy to say,"lives are in danger",But more lives are in danger by the goverment of canada knowing some of what was going on and allowing our troops to stay there.
The american goverment wants to lie,slander,mudd sling behind there allies backs is fine,But if you are going to be a global bully,You better expect everyone to start looking at you.
Considering the magnitude of the errors our goverment has made in folowing the americans lead,I think the whole everything should remain as they are is assinine.
The argument about risking lives,We as a nation that marches blindly after the US,Have already givin to the cause,And the cause is oil.We were never told the whole truth and its time to let the amercans swim in there own muck,At least I hope its muck."
"I think these leaks have shown just how bad our western governments really are... the US especially... They have no one to blame but themselves for any harm these may cause. They have said and done some really stupid/illegal things. A bunch of lying hypocrites all of them. I have zero trust in governments. Again, especially the USA... terrible. They are finally harvesting what they have sown... I'm glad the truth is finally coming out." (Utter moonbattery)
"Wiki is to be commended. The USA is NO ONES "friend'. Their loyalty is as conditional as an inmates with a drug addiction.Enjoy the reading"
"Is the CRAP release of the budget documents to their lobbyists before giving the documents to the finance committee part of these wikileaks. OR do we have to put together our own wikileaaks! This CRAP government is teh worst in Canada;s histroy. NO MORALS. NO INTEGRITY! NO COMPASSION! NO PATRIOTISM! I am not sure they are Canadian. Yanks maybe?" (Moon battery, moonbattery, moonbattery)
"This whole scenario clearly shows how out of touch CBC is. Give it up folks, this is not news - even us uneducated Conservatives know that the "leaked" information is the standard way of doing business in diplomatic circles.
I had to laugh today when Carole McNeil breathlessly announced that she was going to interview Stephen Lewis, the ex Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations, no doubt thinking that he would be horrified at the leaks (and maybe he could work in a slam to Harper's government).
Instead, he stated "this is the nature of diplomacy" - big grin on his face and suggested there is no big deal here. Poor Carole was deflated.
Key comment - ALL governments engage in the same thing, that's what they are paid for.
I am sure that the US is concerned as to how only their diplomatic lines of communication have been compromised."
"I think most of the US's problems arising from the leak are due to the blatant arrogance and feelings of superiority shown by American diplomats and government officials. They're just as self important and overbearing as everybody thought they were/are."
"What I find when browsing around different sites concerning this story is how nationally insecure some countries are. Do you actually care what some diplomats think? This whole story is being played up to mammoth proportions and I'm trying to find out if it was the media, WikiLeaks, or the U.S. itself. Or a combination of all three. Cheers."(Great comment. Great way to end this entry. Take heed, moonbats.)Oh if CBC was more like an old print on paper news magazine, the "letters to the editor" would be much better than most of these. Why do you publish this stuff, CBC? I wish I could cancel my subscription.
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