Saturday, October 16, 2010

Zudhi Jasser Says What I Want to Say

...but I would go further...

What the Muslims in America Can Do
"The last 12 months have seen the most arrests and attacks of radical Islamists on Americans since 9/11. This was confirmed to Congress last month by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who also finally acknowledged the growing homegrown threat of radical Muslims.

Sadly, many of my co-religionists called on by media to speak for American Muslims too often wallow in denial simply deflecting any responsibility by distancing themselves from radicals or myopically equating Muslim radicals to those of other faiths. They willfully ignore the main ideological conveyor belt towards radicalism - political Islam."
"Most Americans no longer accept these detached irresponsible dismissals from leading American Muslims. They see so many examples of American Muslim clerics who condemn terror out of one side of their mouth while deceptively amplifying victimology, Islamophobia, anti-Americanism and morally vacant justifications from the other."
Make that most Canadians, too.
"In our conversation at Drake University this week, I hope we focus on the fact that at the center of the growing threat to our national security is this battle within the House of Islam. American Muslims need to accept and spread the meme that it is time to get shariah (Islamic law) out of government and bring the ideas of modernity and Enlightenment to the Islamic faith we love.

We need to take the offense in ending the ideas of jihad, the "ummah" as nation, and the "salafi" dream of returning everything to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Until we Muslims take on the responsibility of separating history from religion and mosque from state, the threat will not dissipate."
You got that right, Mr. Jasser, but as I said, I would go further. Your co-religionists have had nine years to get their act together, but the strategies they have used to date have had no impact whatsoever. It's time to take it up several notches, so here's some tips.

This notion that any criticism of the silence of the so called moderates amounts to  "Islamophobia" is just a joke, and here's why. The worst thing so called "moderate" Muslims do is allow frothing at the mouth, raving mad leftists, like Dr. Dawg and Balulican, to speak on their behalf. Surrendering your voices to others, of that ilk especially, has done you far more harm than any image the genuine Muslim radicals have created. How are we to distinguish between moderates and radicals if you are silent, or have failed to make your voices heard, on the issues of Islamic extremism? If you sit back and let far-left pariahs from the host societies speak for you, what are we to believe?  You have to come out from the shadows, else there is no reason for us to believe that you exist.

Your fear of reprisals from the radicals is a non-starter. We have opened our borders to you and allowed you to become citizens of our countries, and meanwhile, our young men and women are sacrificing their lives in foreign lands to give Muslims a better life.

What we need to see are rallies in the streets, similar to the Glenn Beck Rally of a few weeks ago  We need to see you taking a far more aggressive and proactive approach to the media to force them to give you a voice, to take notice.  If you want us to help you, then you must stand shoulder to shoulder, metaphorically at least, with us. If you aren't willing to do these things in a manner that is both obviously and transparently sincere, then I'm sorry, I can have no sympathy whatsoever with the constant whining about Islamophobia. It's just that simple.

That Drake University conference of which you speak took place last week. We'll have to see if this is only the first of such strategy meetings and whether it gets off the ground.  The first thing you need to do is tell the leftards of the west to butt out and stop speaking on your behalf, unless of course they really are speaking on your behalf, in which case, then there are no moderate Muslims.

Nine years. On the tenth anniversary of 9/11 will we see you in the streets protesting against political Islam? Will you stand up and be counted? Will you take back the voice that belongs to you and only to you? I'll be watching. Don't disappoint me.

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