Where is CBC Headed?
Paul Mcgrath says:
Louise, you created quite the narrative yourself.
To the extent that I created it rather than reported it: Goose - Gander. The MSM's reports are full of speculation when there is no hard evidence, the CBC, no less than any others.
Even leftie bloggers have noticed it: "Sun Sets on Fox News Conspiracy Theory"
And as far as creating a narrative is concerned, take a look at any of the comments threads following any CBC New's website story that has anything to do with Harper and the Conservatives (or Sun TV). Someone working for CBC has approved these comments for publication and a rather large number of them are full of extreme vitriol (and, I might add, rather devoid of reasoned argument). If CBC's approval for publication of these kinds of statements isn't "creating a narrative", I don't know what is.
I can only presume it's also an indication of who CBC's constituency is, since comments on the left side of the so-called "narrative" outnumber comments from the right side by a substantial margin. And that can only mean that CBC speaks for, and reflects, opinion on the left.
And tell me why CBC would pro-actively raise awareness of the Avaaz.org/Margaret Atwood petition? If they are so neutral on the issue, why raise the subject? Why not just keep out of it altogether?
And by the way, wouldn't it be refreshing to see CBC post a poll asking readers to state how many hours per week they spend watching the real Fox News channel? It would be interesting to see how many are actually using real, current, up-to-date observation and experience over a sufficient duration of time - rather than just repeating what they have been told - when casting their worn out aspersions. To date, most of the comments from lefties I have seen about Fox News south, seems to indicate they have never watched the thing.
And finally, I challenge you or any of CBC's loyal fans to find a single CBC published piece (which includes reader comments) about the proposed SunTV that:
a) Does not refer to it somewhere, either in the article itself, or in the comments, as Fox News North.
b) Does not mention Kory Teneycke's name with a reference to his association with Stephen Harper or at the very least the Conservative Party, either in the article itself or in the comments.
I'm prepared to apologize for my mistaken assumptions if any are found, but please provide links to back up your claim. Good luck. I'll be checking back.
Paul Mcgrath says:
As for your bolded words, I can’t clarify them any further than I already explained, anything else would be inference and speculation.
Okay. What's this then? "ok Louise, since you asked, it means we need to stop looking at ratings and dollars alone." (Your words, not mine.) Does that not infer that CBC is now, at least up until today's date, looking at ratings and dollars alone? And if so, then the words "shift the narrative not only to must mean CBC intends to continue looking at ratings and dollars, but not only that.
You see, that's the thing about oracles. They leave open the possibility of multiple interpretations as in "plausible deniability".
But if you really want to know what my speculation is about the oracle's wording, it's that the CBC brass has decided that to ensure CBC's continued existence as a tax funded corporation, it would be better if they were to p!ss off a few of their most loyal leftie fans than continue with the current one-sided 24/7 Liberal-left bias. If that's the case, then hallelujah! They finally admitted it.
Maybe that's why someone at CBC has been reading my blog and maybe that's why they seem to be walking back from their strident attempt to silence and kill the new kid on the block before it's even out of the womb. They've been caught red handed attempting to censor.
Oh. And they've already expressed concerns about the vitriol in the comments. They're starting to catch on. And yes. That is speculation.
Labels: CBC, media bias
haven’t seen the channel yet so I can’t say what kind of hate they’re peddling, or if Hate is even on the menu. But since Canada has hate speech laws with a pretty high bar, I imagine it would be hard for any TV station to traffic in that kind of thing=====OH &HIT WHATS THE USE CAN'T ARGUE WITH THAT LOGIC great work thanks
nothing succeeds like excess
From your article:
"'And of course, the most severe critics are the private media groups who seek to limit its role and activities in order to gain a competitive advantage.'"
Also known as a level playing field. CBC speak. (Heavy sigh.)
Aren't shareholders able to fire the board? I hope this becomes an election issue. This is beyond the pale.
i think you mentioned that on inside the CBC ,check out these self congratulatory jackasses,yes I'd like to see a referendum on this
You should really start commenting on Inside the CBC. The CBC groupies are already badly outnumbered. Might as well massacre them.
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