Labels: CBC, sitemeter sightings
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @ oldweesie@sasktel.net
Labels: CBC, sitemeter sightings
Well, it's a fact that search for "stubble jumping bitch" brings up your place first. And I wouldn't ask what is it you have against this Paul M. character - or vice versa, since it's not the place for questions that may appear to be too intimate...
Posted this on the wrong thread. Anyone reading must have thought I was looney. They'd be right, of course.
Actually, I don't think it was Paul who did the search. Paul M. is an employee who maintains the Inside the CBC website, and he has been remarkably civil me, so I have been very grateful for that.
There are at least two, and perhaps a number of others who post at that site who have locked horns with me (yes, I do have horns). The CBC has a lot of enemies. Their leftist (read Liberal Party of Canada and all leftist causes) bias is blatant and they're all for taking taxes from the rest of us to support their favourite propaganda machine.
Some of us want to see it either privatized or dismantled and I and several other folks been ranting and raving about their bias in the comments pages. So I have made some enemies. I suspect the "stubble jumping bitch" searcher is either a fellow by the name of Pete from 'Sauga or Dwight Williams, but you never know. There's one fellow/gal posting there who assumes the critics are all semi-literate Bible thumping fundamentalist Christians, which just goes to show what CBC fans are all about. Christian fundies are enemy #1, of course.
Anyway, being a proud stubble jumping bitch, I find posting comments on that website to be the only entertainment value CBC has to offer me. I'm such a nasty proud bitch.
Pete or Dwight - whatever. Having horns could be handy and I bet you know how to use them.
Indeed, I do. I think I've made Paul M. spittin' mad at times, but he's remarkably civil. I guess the job requires that of him.
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