Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gee, We Even Take Dogs, Too

"The Quaids' dog, a blue heeler, was also released Wednesday. It had been held at the Vancouver city pound and was picked up by the couple after their release."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
i knew it this explains why they wern't given the boot to start with

October 28, 2010 7:48 pm  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

At least the dog will probably have a net neutral effect on Canada. The worst he'll probably do is crap on the lawn in some public park. On the other hand, he's probably a friendly, tail-wagging pooch who'll brighten the day of some folks in that same park. The same can't be said of the two-legged mutts who own him.

Here's my legal advice: 1. Keep the dog and find him a good home, he's beneficial to society; 2. you're stuck with the bat-shit crazy wife, she's a Canadian citizen, but for the sake of Canada's gene pool, find a way to ensure she doesn't procreate; 3. deport the bat-shit crazy American actor, he probably has mad cow disease.

October 28, 2010 11:10 pm  

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