Ayaan Hirsi Ali...
In Holland, Free Speech on Trial
"Imagine if a leader within the tea party movement were able to persuade its members to establish a third political party. Imagine he succeeded—overwhelmingly—and that as their leader he stood a real chance of winning the presidency. Then imagine that in anticipation of his electoral victory, the Democrats and Republicans quickly modified an existing antidiscrimination law so that he could be convicted for statements he made on the campaign trail.[---]
All of this seems impossible in a 21st-century liberal democracy. But it is exactly what is happening in Holland to Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders.
"But since splitting from the Liberal Party six years ago, his star has only risen. In the national elections held in November 2006, his party won nine seats in parliament. When the Dutch government fell again this year, June elections saw his party take 24 seats in the 150-seat body.[---]
This has spooked Dutch parliamentarians, particularly those wedded to multiculturalism. That's why, in the fall of 2009, they modified Article 137C and 137D of the Penal Code to make it possible for far-left organizations to take Mr. Wilders to court on grounds of "inciting hatred" against Muslims."
"Historically, the Netherlands has insisted on the idea of "consensus." Though on paper this means compromise, in practice it has meant conformity of thought and a refusal to rock the boat on controversial issues."[---]
"The bill used to prosecute Mr. Wilders is the national version of what OIC diplomats peddle at the U.N. and EU."Wow! This is dirtier than I thought, and that says a lot. Read the whole thing and note the parallels with our Human Rights Commissions. Scary, scary, scary.
Labels: dhiminitude, Geert Wilders, Human Rights Commissions, idiocy, Nothing to See Here Folks, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Western Civilization
That's one of the further damage Proressives and their Liberal supporters can do to the American Constitution. By morphing the US from a Rule of Law nation to a Rule of Man nation the whole concept of Ex Post Facto (after the fact) laws as guaranteed by the Constitution are thrown out the window.
The Islamic Republik of Holland will be the first in Eurabia - 'consensus' and tolerance will be out, Sharia law will be in.
Aboriginal Dutch people have voted for this particular brand of fascism and it is a crying shame that so many members of the Canadian Forces gave their lives to liberate those people from a previous brand of fascism.
Canada and the United States should not have participated in the liberation of Europe.
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