Three New Canadian Bloggers
Bullet Proof Courier
Bullet Proof Courier is a staunch supported of Ezra Levant's courageous drive to restore to all of us our freedom to speak our minds. Definitely a no-no if you're of the left persuasion.
Dr. Roy's Blog
I've been reading and commenting at Dr. Roy's blog for at least a year or two, but only discovered yesterday that I had neglected to put him on my blogroll. He was only in my "favourites" list. Shame on me.
He's a very loyal Canadian, and a staunch defender of the monarchy. He's also a Christian. And he's brown to boot - born in India. All of that, especially his faith and the fact that he refuses to play "victim" despite his pigmentation, qualifies him as a target of vitriol from the rabid left.
Raheel Raza
And Raheel. Awe inspiring Raheel. Pay this woman some attention.
A full nine years after 9/11 we've all justifiably wondered where the "moderate" Muslims are. She's the genuine article. They are out there, but they rarely get a hearing. And no wonder. They are subject on a daily basis to fatwas and death threats from the Religion of Peace.
Lefties don't want you to know that, either. They hold fast to their delusions that we right thinking folks are all a bunch of bigots and all Muslims are vicitms. This ruins everything for them, while those moderate Muslims will tell you the apologist mindset of the left works against them.
She's making waves not only in Canada, but in the USA. For example, she's come out strongly against the Ground Zero mosque.
Actually, Raheel is not a blogger but a spokesperson working on a long uphill battle to be free to speak her mind. Check out the links on the top of her website, especially under the "Articles" and "Media" headings. She needs our support.
Welcome to my blogroll, all three of you.
And while I'm on the topic of moderate Canadian Muslims, don't forget Salim Mansur. I don't think he has his own blog, but his writings do appear regularly at Proud to Be Canadian, along with other enemies of the left like Ann Coulter. A Muslim moderate who whines about victimhood is not a moderate. Mansur gets this with crystal clarity.
Can you hear the howling and gnashing of teeth from the left? It's getting fainter and fainter, but, with life support supplied by the Liberal and NDP parties, the beast is still alive.
Labels: bloggers, blogroll, Raheel Raza, Salim Mansur
Raza is such a breath of fresh air. Brave lady.
Indeed. I just reposted this entry with some revisions, BTW.
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