Yup. The Arabs are Afraid of Iran
"'I don't think we should put a one-year target date,' Abdullah said in an interview with Israel's TV1 late on Saturday ahead of the direct talks being relaunched in Washington this week.[---]
'I believe words coming out of the United States is within one year (for a two-state settlement). Why wait for one year? The longer we wait, the more we give people a chance to create violence,' he said."
"Abdullah warned the military dynamics in the Middle East had changed, with the Jewish state waging short wars on average every two years in the absence of a settlement with the Palestinians.I always liked this guy, and his father, too. But I think Israel is going to have to make some very big concessions, and considering the history of these efforts, a blind leap of faith. I don't see that happening. It will take generations to erase the rabid anti-Semitism from the Muslim world's mindset, let alone the Arab psyche. A lot of heads could roll if their governments no longer have Israel to blame, whipping up excuses and promulgating hatred of the Joooooos for every ill and failure of their own making. And, what, pray tell, will all the world's leftards do? Rally 'round Iran, I suppose. What else is new?
'Today the dynamics have changed. Conflict with Israel today is not necessarily to win against Israel but to survive. Therefore that opens the dynamics to a completely different threat towards Israel,' he said." [Ed: read Iran]
Labels: Israel, Middle East, Palestinians, peace talks
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