This Just About Says It All
Labels: Islamofascism, say no to dhiminitude
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @
Isalm is 1400 yrs old. Christianity is 2010 yrs old, only 610 years older. We need no more time to decide the character of both religions.
"By their fruits you shall know (recognize) them" Matthew tells us. Remove the log from the eyes of those to vain to see and we shall be rewarded.
This reminds me of yet another of the favourite memes the left likes to spew, namely the evils of the Christian Crusades, completely ignoring, of course, that the Crusades were intended to regain Christendom's territory lost via the Islamic conquest of Christendom and other territories.
If they dared to crack open an historical atlas, they may be able to see Christendom's ancient territory and the overlap of said territory conquered by the Islamic/Arab empire builders which followed the birth of Islam.
Heck, even India was ruled by the descendants of the Islamic Mogul Empire when the Brits arrived. And even the Mogul's themselves were descendants of the Mongol Empire, which had been converted to Islam by the customary means.
But oh no. There was no history prior to the European empires, and those only began in 1492 with that rascal (strangely named) "Christopher" Columbus. The history of the world began only then and has been all downhill ever since.
The Crusades were among the most unedifying episodes in human history; there was infamy aplenty to go around, what with gratuitous killing, treachery, betrayal, cynical manipulation and perversion of the original purpose. The sack of Jerusalem, when not only Muslims but also Christians and of course Jews were massacred by the crusaders, pretty much set the tone and dictated the response for centuries to come.
Did I mention the Jews? Despite promises to protect their local Jewish populations, numerous European bishops and nobles reneged, and the Crusades became an occasion to practise ethnic cleansing on a scale not seen again until the 20th century.
Crusades were also preached against religious dissenters in Europe. with terrible and far-reaching results.
It was not Christianity's finest hour.
And I forgot to mention that the Crusades spawned the Inquisition, and that the entire entrprise of freeing the Holy Land ended up a complete failure, with reverberations we still have to live with.
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