Thank God Hitch Can Still Write
"As for the gorgeous mosaic of religious pluralism, it's easy enough to find mosque Web sites and DVDs that peddle the most disgusting attacks on Jews, Hindus, Christians, unbelievers, and other Muslims—to say nothing of insane diatribes about women and homosexuals. This is why the fake term Islamophobia is so dangerous: It insinuates that any reservations about Islam must ipso facto be "phobic." A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike. Islamic preaching very often manifests precisely this feature, which is why suspicion of it is by no means irrational."[---]
"From my window, I can see the beautiful minaret of the Washington, D.C., mosque on Massachusetts Avenue. It is situated at the heart of the capital city's diplomatic quarter, and it is where President Bush went immediately after 9/11 to make his gesture toward the "religion of peace." A short while ago, the wife of a new ambassador told me that she had been taking her dog for a walk when a bearded man accosted her and brusquely warned her not to take the animal so close to the sacred precincts."[---]
"Another feature of my local mosque that I don't entirely like is the display of flags outside, purportedly showing all those nations that are already Muslim. Some of these flags are of countries like Malaysia, where Islam barely has a majority, or of Turkey, which still has a secular constitution. At the United Nations, the voting bloc of the Organization of the Islamic Conference nations is already proposing a resolution that would circumscribe any criticism of religion in general and of Islam in particular. So, before he is used by our State Department on any more goodwill missions overseas, I would like to see Imam Rauf asked a few searching questions about his support for clerical dictatorship in, just for now, Iran. Let us by all means make the "Ground Zero" debate a test of tolerance. But this will be a one-way street unless it is to be a test of Muslim tolerance as well."And what on earth is this Jewish Rabbi (a woman yet!!) doing getting all mushy and smiley about it?!?!
h/t Pelalusa
Labels: Christopher Hitchens, Ground Zero, Islamization
Child rape, torture and murder cover-up...
Next week is the sixth anniversary of the Islamic child-rape and torture orgy and massacre in the school at Beslan. Yet for six years the mainstream media have covered up who was responsible, with all mention of Muslims being censored.
This is of particular concern because there is evidence that jihadists are planning similar attacks against American schools.
So it's time to set the record straight, not only about the identity of these sadistic murderous savages, but also about the Islamic ideology that approves of pedophilic attacks on children as a way of hitting their 'najis kafir' parents. (All non-Muslims are 'najis' - literally 'filth'.)
Of course every culture produces rapists and child molesters, but in non-Muslim societies these are usually isolated loners. In contrast, Muslim rapists and pedophiles are well-organised, and these predators often hunt their prey in rape-gangs in a tradition of razzia going back to the 'prophet'. The reason for this cultural difference is that pedophilia and rape are abhorrent in civilized societies, but are acceptable to Muslims because the perps are dutifully following Mohammed's example - and Mohammed is the 'Perfect Man': a pedophile, torturer, rapist and mass-murderer.
Child-rape, as well as being a permitted means of satisfying the jihadists' religiously repressed lusts, also degrades, violates and humiliates the hated 'najis kafir' children and their parents, thus asserting the supremacy of Islam and Muslims.
Of course not all Muslims do this sort of thing. However all Muslims (presumably including the 'peaceful' Ground Zero Sufis) revere Mohammed as their role model, and as such have no religious or moral doubts about ANY course of action that increases the power of Islam.
Could everyone please use their blogs, networks and forums to ensure that this horrendous Islamic attack is not airbrushed out of history by the MSM. Full details:
I took a quick tour of your blog and I'd like to add it to my blogroll. If you don't mind, could you tell me what country you live in? As you can see, part of my blogroll is organized geographically.
If you have the time to read through some of the back pages of my blog, you'll see that I'm an ardent defender of all voices that have been suppressed via political correctness, and those willing to name the religion of peace for what it really is today are certainly among those voices.
We need to push back as hard as possible against the scourge of political correctness wherever it emerges.
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